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The Transformers: Phase One Omnibus

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The Transformers: Phase One Omnibus
The Transformers: Phase One Omnibus
Publisher IDW Publishing
First published September 17, 2014
Writers Simon Furman
Artists E. J. Su, Nick Roche, Robby Musso, Klaus Scherwinski (cover)
Colours John Rauch, Josh Burcham, Zac Atkinson and Liam Shalloo
Color assists Simon Bork, Mark Englert, Aaron Myers, Sunder Raj, Kevin Senft, Zac Atkinson, Josh Burcham and Kris Carter
Letterers Tom B. Long, Robbie Robbins, Chris Mowry, Neil Uyetake and Amauri Osorio
Editors Chris Ryall, Dan Taylor and Andrew Steven Harris
Continuity 2005 IDW continuity
ISBN ISBN 1631401130
ISBN 978-1631401138
Page count 404
Price $29.99 USD

The Transformers: Phase One Omnibus, published by IDW Publishing, is a small-sized (8.3 x 5.9 inch) trade paperback which reprints the first three IDW Transformers story arcs (minus Stormbringer), serving as an uninterrupted story of the Transformers' initial dealings on Earth. Though the cover is prominently numbered as the first in a series, it was the only such IDW omnibus to be released. The cover is a re-use of Infiltration issue 6, cover C by Klaus Scherwinski.


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