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Transcendent: Part 2

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"Transcendent: Part 2"
Publisher Fun Publications
Published in Hasbro Transformers Collectors' Club #20
Writer Forest Lee
Pencils by Alex Milne
Inks by Alex Milne
Colors by Josh Perez
Letters by Jesse Wittenrich
Editor Pete Sinclair
Continuity TransTech

Alpha Trion reveals that the TransTech aren't as benevolent as they seem... and neither is he.



Alpha Trion, continuing his tour down to Level 39, notices that Breakaway has gone missing. Skyfall and Landquake want to go find him, but Alpha Trion attempts to hold them back. Alpha Trion explains that if they come with him, he can help them, and claims that the TransTech have taken Breakaway.

In Shockwave's lab, the TransTech scientist has restrained and gagged Breakaway, who has been classified as a Level 5 threat. These same scans show that he has multiple desirable traits, and converts his hands to multiple torture weapons. Shockwave gets Megatron's word to begin, who tells the scientist to try to keep him intact.

As the three walk to Alpha Trion's workshop, Alpha Trion claims that his Cybertron was at peace, the Decepticons having been defeated long ago. Alpha Trion was working on projects for the future of Cybertron, when saboteurs struck, sending him to Axiom Nexus. Landquake questions why he hasn't tried to return to his Cybertron. Claiming that his Cybertron would be seen as a threat by the TransTech, Alpha Trion says he was sealed off from his world and told it was impossible to return. Alpha Trion believed them for a time, but has uncovered what he claims to be the truth of Axiom Nexus: the TransTech are abducting the offworlders from across the multiverse for experimentation and research. Alpha Trion further claims that Skyfall, Landquake, and Breakaway's arrival here was hijacked, and that Cliffjumper's disappearance was not an error. Alpha Trion shows them on a screen that there are multiple satellites surrounding the planet, supposedly sending a signal to make offworlder population docile and unwilling to leave. Alpha Trion, however, has managed secure his escape, leading them to the next room over. Landquake doesn't trust the old Autobot or the TransTech, but while sharing his Decepticon friend's doubts, Skyfall believes what he is saying makes sense. Opening the door, Trion claims that Skyfall and Landquake are all he needs to ensure his escape the two look up to find multiple TransTech corpses hanging from the ceiling!

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


Alpha Trion: "Where is your friend?"
Landquake: "Breakaway!"
Skyfall: "What?! This dimension sucks!"

"I do not trust this Autobot."
"Neither do I, but what he says makes sense, even if the way he says it makes him sound like he's auditioning for something."

Landquake and Skyfall size up their host.


  • Mentioned characters include: Cliffjumper, Alpha Trion's aide, Optimus Prime, and the Caretaker.
  • The 1-page preview comic for "Withered Hope" which follows this story begins with 'meanwhile', indicating that this story occurs concurrently with that one.

Transformers references

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