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bragging rights (so wrong)

Finally i register and suddenly i forget the edits i signed in to make. Well, in the meantime, i shall continue with my eternal quest to be even more of an egomaniac than Sunstreaker by taking credit for posts i made while anonymous. (Anonymity is your name; silence, your native tongue.) Also, i'm secretly (SECRETLY) hoping that some of my unanswered questions will attract more attention now that i'm less in need of Help:Nameless

The following, in no particular order, are at least partly my fault: Anyone else think the character between "Lightspeed" and "Whirl" looks like G1 Vroom?

...Wow. i'd forgotten i'd posted some of these things... and neglected to thank people who answered me! Fortunately, they can't get mad at me because i'm protected by my anonymity--


Let me get back to you.

yellow and red racecars, most of them named Mirage

pics or it didn't happen

TF products i know exist but can't prove (yet):

Rock 'Em Sock 'Em style robots based on character models of Optimus Prime (G1) and Megatron (G1). i think each robot also had a hole in the top of his head, which at the time of purchase contained the stick of a lollipop.

Squishers or Squish'ems or something like that; i had trouble reading the font on the packaging and didn't want to buy them, but i think they're like 12-packs of stress balls sculpted to resemble characters (in robot mode) from Transformers: Prime (franchise). Also available, a pack of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Squishers/Squish'ems/whatever. Both packs had the Hasbro logo on them.

Not TFs, but Hasbro has made action figures based on Iron Man (as well as Spider-Man, if i remember correctly, and maybe some other Marvel superheroes) with engineering/gimmicks VERY similar to G1 Jumpstarters. In fact, the Jumpstarter article says [QUOTE] Hasbro themselves made use of the concept again with the "Flip and Attack" toys released as part of the toy line accompanying the 2012 Avengers movie. Despite the opportunity, they're not cross-branded as part of the Transformers: Crossovers franchise, however the packaging does say "With TRANSFORMERS technology" on the side insert, complete with Transformers logo. [/QUOTE] However, the first time i saw these toys, i specifically looked for any reference to Transformers on the packaging, and failed to find the word anywhere... but i do seem to recall that the package referred to the toys as "Jump-starters" or "Jump Starters" or something like that. i also saw figures capable of transforming from vehicles (jets, i think) to Iron Man/War Machine in non-Jumpstarter fashion--maybe similar to G2 Power Masters? but i couldn't tell just from the unopened packages in the store. These Hasbro/Marvel figures likewise opted not to use the Transformers: Crossovers branding.

--Rhymus (talk) 07:13, 18 December 2013 (EST)

Isolde Holden‎

Why did you create Isolde Holden‎ as a redirect to the book's page? As a character, she should have an actual article. --abates (talk) 06:19, 30 December 2013 (EST)


why does the phrase "limited vocal skills" link to Targetmaster when (as far as i know) all the Targetmasters can talk normally?

The Japanese Targetmasters speak in a series of electronic beeps (like the Mini-Cons) that only their bonded partner can understand, instead of speaking normally like their Headmaster brethren.

--Monzo (talk) 05:17, 6 January 2014 (EST)

Protect Black Ironhide

The stripe colors come from the original Diaclone Ironhide toy.

--Monzo (talk) 03:34, 9 January 2014 (EST)

reply from Rhymus
Thanks! For the Targetmasters AND Diaclone Ironhide info. But even now that you've told me about black pre-Ironhide's stripes, i still feel like Trailbreaker (G1) and Ironhide (Universe) are worth mentioning--especially since Ironhide insists he got the idea from black pickup truckS (plural) he saw around town. In fact, might need to mention Diaclone pre-Ironhide in the Ironhide (Universe) article, too...
--Rhymus (talk) 03:53, 9 January 2014 (EST)
In this instance, I think you're assigning intent to the creators that simply isn't there. Yes, Protect Black Ironhide might look like Universe Ironhide and Trailbreaker - but the intent behind Protect Black Ironhide was "let's reissue Diaclone Ironhide as a Transformer". Universe Ironhide and Trailbreaker are entirely irrelevant to that idea, as the Diaclone Ironhide toy predated both of them in terms of looks; you can't say that Trailbreaker influenced a reissue of a toy that originally came before he did. --Monzo (talk) 04:41, 9 January 2014 (EST)
i think i see your point (although the article gives me the impression that the intent was "let's redeco G1 Ironhide in Movie Ironhide colors and use Diaclone Ironhide as an excuse"), but doesn't TFWiki also encourage pointing out the unintentional results? Like the Mini-Con-compatible posts that predate the Mini-Con gimmick, or the fact that there are more than one species of living rocks running around the TF multiverse, or Beast Wars making a reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?
--Rhymus (talk) 05:22, 9 January 2014 (EST)
This is a total Gurren Lagann reference.
"EVERY place reminds you of some place else."

Two unrelated things may have some kind of vague, remote, tiny, tenuous similarity, but that alone does not a reference make. Please try to avoid grasping at straws.

Actually, it is rocket surgery.

Abates advised me not to add this to the Ratchet (G1) article, but i still like the joke, so i'll just stash it here for now.
Actually, it is rocket surgery.

--Rhymus (talk) 04:33, 23 January 2015 (EST)


Rhymus, that... that isn't an article. That is at best a sentence. If you want the Diablock page to remain, please see the likes of the Built to Rule! or Alternity articles for tips on how to make articles for smaller/Japanese toylines, because otherwise it's getting deleted. --Monzo (talk) 00:26, 20 April 2015 (EDT)


Hi, I reverted your edit to Fistfight (SG), because it was not clear from the way you phrased it why you thought FistFight's colour scheme was based on Tyrannitron, or whether or not someone involved with the production of the story he's in has stated this to be the case. If you add the note back in, can you please clarify these in the phrasing? --abates (talk) 13:08, 27 December 2016 (EST)

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