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Bug Fixing Guide

Page history last edited by Scott González 9 years, 8 months ago

We encourage members of the community to help us fix bugs in the Trac bug tracking system ( http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ ). To start, you will need to fork the jQuery UI GitHub repository, then you can start reviewing issues that need attention.


To browse the current set of open tickets, go to the Trac homepage. All tickets are public to view: http://bugs.jqueryui.com/. 


How to work on an issue:

  • Any ticket that is not assigned or accepted is free to be worked on by any member of the community. 
  • Tickets are not auto-assigned (as they once were) based on the component because no single person is the owner or maintainer of a plugin. All team members can work on any plugin, and are encouraged to do so.  This means that going forward, the only way a ticket will get assigned to you is if you actively take it by setting the owner to your name. 
  • Please don't leave a ticket in your name unless you're actively working on it. If you are actively working on it, post regular status updates to the ticket, so progress can be seen. Otherwise it may be assumed that you're not actually doing anything on it, maybe not even aware it's in your name. 
  • If you have a ticket assigned to you and you want to remove yourself as owner, you can just choose "reassign to" at the bottom and clear out the name field.
  • If you don't know git, you can follow these instructions for how to submit a patch through the github web interface. Be sure your commit message references the ticket (see below "How to properly commit")
  • If tests exist for the component you have been working on, make sure they still pass.
  • Make sure your code conforms to the jQuery UI coding standards.
  • Submit a pull request after your commit and add a link to your commit in a comment on the ticket. Don't change the status of the ticket, that will happen once the pull request lands.


Make sure to read about commits and pull requests too!

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