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Unanswered Questions

4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
-4 votes
1 answer

My boss's can't stop asking questions

Before two weeks, my boss started to tell me that he wants me to improve in two sides, one is scientific side, and two, my personality. I liked that, I honestly welcomed what he said,but now things ...
-4 votes
1 answer

I am trying to land on a software engineering job. I have 2 degrees: one in hardware (BS EE) and another in software (BS SE)

I am a self-supporting individual whose education is earned through schooling while working. Back in the 90s I entered the STEM job market with an AAS degree in Digital Electronics. I worked in the ...
-5 votes
2 answers

Report writing in Project Management

Whenever I apply for a project manager Role, report writing is among the top skills listed..can someone help me demystify what report writing skills are needed in PM?
-5 votes
1 answer

How to make a specific resume' for various positions (especially in view of automated processes)

I am asking and answering this question, because it comes up a lot. How do you make a resume' for specific positions? NOTE: This assumes that you have a position description with a list of ...