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Law: Law N° 2022-59 of December 16, 2022, on the protection of Personal Data (only available in French here) (Law as amended) as amended by Law N° 2023-31 of July 4, 2023 (only available in French here) (Law 2023-31)

Regulator: High Authority for the Protection of Personal Data (HAPDP)

Summary: The Law N° 2022-59 of December 16, 2022, on the protection of Personal Data (Law as amended), establishes a fundamental basis for personal data protection in Niger by, among other things, setting out data subject rights of access, to object, and to information, restricting international data transfers, requiring data processing notifications, and detailing obligations for data controllers, such as the appointment of a personal data protection correspondent. Moreover, Decree No. 2020-309/PRN/MJ of April 30, 2020, sets the terms of application of Law as amended, on the protection of personal data (only available in French here), and Order No. 000045 of October 5, 2020 (only available in French here) determines the profile and setting the conditions of remuneration of the personal data protection correspondent.

There are also additional relevant data protection provisions in Law No. 2018-45 of 12 July 2018 on Electronic Communications (only available in French here) and Law on Cybercrime of 2019 (only available to download in French here) amended and supplemented by Law N° 2022-30 of June 23, 2023. Furthermore, in 2022, Niger ratified the Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection (the Malabo Convention).