Author picture

Weshoyot Alvitre

Author of Deer Woman: An Anthology

3+ Works 75 Members 6 Reviews 1 Favorited

Works by Weshoyot Alvitre

Deer Woman: An Anthology (2017) — Editor; Contributor — 63 copies, 4 reviews
Marvel's Voices: Heritage (2022) — Illustrator — 11 copies, 2 reviews

Associated Works

At the Mountain's Base (2019) — Illustrator — 152 copies, 15 reviews
Once Upon a Time Machine (2012) — Contributor — 126 copies, 6 reviews
Living Ghosts and Mischievous Monsters: Chilling American Indian Stories (2021) — Illustrator — 78 copies, 1 review
Moonshot: The Indigenous Comics Collection, Volume 2 (2017) — Contributor — 69 copies, 2 reviews
Embodied: An Intersectional Feminist Comics Poetry Anthology (2021) — Contributor — 52 copies, 3 reviews
Moonshot: The Indigenous Comics Collection, Volume 3 (2019) — Illustrator — 37 copies, 1 review
Tales of the Mighty Code Talkers, Volume 1 (2016) — Contributor — 27 copies, 2 reviews
Graphic Classics: Native American Classics (2013) — Contributor — 23 copies
Sovereign Traces Volume 1: Not (Just) (An)Other (2018) — Illustrator — 15 copies, 1 review
Once Upon a Time Machine Volume 2: Greek Gods & Legends (2018) — Contributor — 11 copies
Native Realities Anthology: One (2017) — Contributor — 6 copies
Sovereign Traces, Volume 2: Relational Constellation (2019) — Contributor — 3 copies


Common Knowledge




Amazing anthology of Indigenous & Native authors and artists bringing much needed depth and understanding to Marvel’s many Native characters. Even without complete story arcs in this collection, it makes me want to find more on many of the characters I’d not seen before (a Native Werewolf by Night? I want more on this guy!).
SESchend | 1 other review | Feb 2, 2024 |
My only complaint with this book is that the text is difficult to read in some of the pieces. I am still rating it as a 5 because I think that issue is reflective of my visual disability and not shortcomings on any of the artists' parts.
Jeanne.Laure | 3 other reviews | Oct 3, 2023 |
One of those anthologies that is awesome in concept but a bit disappointing in execution as we are given shallow little glimpses of a lot of characters. A couple of the longer stories offered are first issues of mini-series where the rest of the story will be continued elsewhere.

There are a few gems that make it worthwhile to flip through it though.

The Watcher ~ 3 stars

Uatu provides a roll call of all the Marvel heroes with Indigenous roots. I'd forgotten about some of these characters, so it was nice to get a reminder right off the top.

Hitting Back ~ 2 stars

Echo gets called to help an alien race defeat a swamp god who is terrorizing him. A martial artist vs. a god? "Super easy, barely an inconvenience." More a prelude to developments in Maya Lopez's life than a story.

Multifaceted ~ 3 stars

New Mutants Mirage and Wolfsbane do the standard X-Men thing, showing up to help a new mutants whose first display of power has gotten him in trouble with the local authorities. Nicely done, though, with charming character interactions.

Blue Moon ~ 2 stars

In the distant past Silver Fox and Trigo, a wife and husband of the Blackfoot Confederacy, sabotage a fort so it will fail and slow down white settlers. Dark and depressing for many reasons.

The Unexpected ~ 2 stars

Indigenous members of the X-Men play whack-a-mole with a weird but easily defeated giant thingywhatsit. Less a story, more a statement.

The Tuurngait's Song ~ 2 stars

Snowguard of the Champions returns home to Nunavut to recruit help for her village against some sea witches. Stiff and silly.

Not Dead Yet ~ 3 stars

Set in the 2070s, American Eagle shows us that aging is not the same as being washed up when he stumbles into a bank robbery.

A Friend in Need ~ 2 stars

Another prelude to the upcoming series starring Maya Lopez introduces readers to River -- short for Riverwalker -- a young man who does the old "I see dead people" thing. Meh.

An Interview with Writer Rebecca Roanhorse

Roanhorse complains of "one-dimensional characters where there's always a spirit animal or someone's always changing into an animal." The editor maybe shouldn't have placed this article right before the next two stories.

Champions Annual #1 ~ 2 stars

Snowguard, a shapeshifter, returns to Nunavut for the second time in this collection to deal with still more mythical creatures endangering her hometown. She's a more interesting character this time around, but it's all so earnest it gets a little boring.

Werewolf by Night #1 ~ 2 stars

When he's not protecting his people by turning into a werewolf at night, Jake Gomez works as a janitor at an evil corporation. Seems like those two things are going to collide at some point. And Red Wolf is hanging out in the background keeping his eye on everything. Seems a little generic as far as first issues go, but I might pick up the series collection to see if it builds momentum.

The United States of Captain America #3 ~3 stars

This short excerpt introduces us to Joe Gomez, a Kickapoo construction worker from Kansas, who ends up using a tower crane to battle Bulldozer when the villain attacks his construction site. Gomez's regular guy rising to a moment of heroism is cool. It's a shame they didn't do more with him instead of making him yet another new Captain America in a series that gave us a half dozen or so.

Phoenix Song: Echo #1 ~ 2 stars

Oh, look, here's what those previous two stories about Echo were hinting at. I've seen Maya Lopez in various places around the Marvel Universe, but she never seems to be anything but angry. This first issue from her new mini-series seems to be more of the same at first, but might be moving toward something a little deeper. I'm not totally won over, but I might check out the full collection later.

Honor the Sacred ~ 3 stars

A nice tribute to Red Wolf with some dynamic art and design.



• Introduction / Lee Francis IV, writer

Marvel's Voices: Indigenous Voices (2020) #1, cover art by Jim Terry
• The Watcher / Jeffrey Veregge, writer and artist
• Hitting Back [Echo] / Rebecca Roanhorse, writer; Weshoyot Alvitre, artist
• Multifaceted [New Mutants] / Darcie Little Badger, writer; Kyle Charles, artist
• Blue Moon [Silver Fox] / Stephen Graham Jones, writer; David Cutler, penciller; Roberto Poggi, inker
• Afterword / Taboo and B. Earl

Marvel's Voices: Heritage (2021) #1, cover art by Kyle Charles
• The Unexpected [X-Men] / Jim Terry, writer and artist
• The Tuurngait's Song [Snowguard] / Nyla Innuksuk, writer; Natasha Donovan, artist
• Not Dead Yet [American Eagle] / Steven Paul Judd, writer; David Cutler, penciller, José Marzan Jr., inker
• A Friend in Need [River] / Rebecca Roanhorse, writer; Shaun Beyale, penciller, Belardino Brabo, inker
• An Interview with Writer Rebecca Roanhorse / Angélique Roché

Champions Annual (2018) #1, cover art by R. B. Silva
• [Snowguard] / Jim Zub and Nyla Innuksuk, writers; Marcus To, artist

Werewolf by Night (2020) #1, cover art by Mike McKone
• [New Wolf Rising, Part 1] / Taboo and B. Earl, writers; Scot Eaton, artist; Scott Hanna, inker

The United States of Captain America (2021) #3, cover art by Gerard Parel
• [Excerpt featuring Joe Gomez, the Captain America of the Kickapoo Tribe] / Darcie Little Badger, writer; David Cutler, penciller; Roberto Poggi, inker

Phoenix Song: Echo (2021) #1, cover art by Cory Smith
• [Phoenix Song: Echo, Part 1] / Rebecca Roanhorse, writer; Luca Maresca, artist

Marvel Comics (2019) #1000
• Honor the Sacred [Excerpt featuring Red Wolf] / Taboo and B. Earl, writers; Jeffrey Veregge, artist

• Marvel's Voices Essay / Darcie Little Badger, writer
• Marvel's Voices Essay / Karla Pacheco, writer
• We Are Here! Indigenous Presence and Imagined Futures / Amanda R. Tachine, writer
• Variant Cover Gallery / David Mack, Afua Richardson, Jeffrey Veregge, Roy Boney, Jim Terry, Bill Sienkiewicz, Babs Tarr, and Maria Wolf, illustrators
… (more)
villemezbrown | 1 other review | Mar 22, 2023 |
I think I first was introduced to Deer Woman through Louise Erdrich's [b:The Antelope Wife|790394|The Antelope Wife|Louise Erdrich||776379], and after this, I am so solidly a fan of Deer Woman. Powerful short stories here--I was brought to tears by a few. I want more.
LibroLindsay | 3 other reviews | Jun 18, 2021 |


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Associated Authors

Rebecca Roanhorse Contributor, Author
Darcie Little Badger Contributor, Author
Jim Terry Author, Illustrator
Roberto Poggi Illustrator
David Cutler Illustrator
B. Earl Author
Natasha Donovan Illustrator
Kyle Charles Illustrator
Luca Maresca Illustrator
Shaun Beyale Illustrator
Scot Eaton Illustrator
Jim Zub Author
Belardino Brabo Illustrator
José Marzan Jr. Illustrator
Taboo Author
Marcus To Illustrator
Jeffrey Veregge Illustrator
Scott Hanna Illustrator
Patty Stonefish Editor, Introduction
Jonathan R. Thunder Contributor, Cover artist
Lee Francis IV Introduction
Tara Ogaick Contributor
Barbara Kenmille Contributor
Mia Casesa Contributor
Maria Wolf Lopez Contributor
Tatum Bowie Contributor
Carolyn Dunn Contributor
Kimberly Robertson Contributor
Jackie Fawn Contributor
Angélique Roché Contributor
David Mack Illustrator
Babs Tarr Illustrator
Cory Smith Illustrator
R.B. Silva Illustrator
Afua Richardson Illustrator
Roy Boney Illustrator
Mike McKone Illustrator
Maria Wolf Illustrator
Bill Sienkiewicz Illustrator
Gerard Parel Illustrator


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½ 3.6

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