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Tom Becker (1)

Author of Darkside

For other authors named Tom Becker, see the disambiguation page.

Tom Becker (1) has been aliased into Tom Beckerlegge.

11 Works 598 Members 23 Reviews


Works by Tom Becker

Works have been aliased into Tom Beckerlegge.

Darkside (2007) 318 copies, 11 reviews
Lifeblood (Darkside) (2007) 119 copies, 2 reviews
Nighttrap (Darkside) (2008) 35 copies, 1 review
Timecurse (Darkside) (2009) 27 copies, 1 review
The Traitors (2012) 23 copies, 6 reviews
Dark Room (Red Eye) (2015) 21 copies, 2 reviews
While the Others Sleep (2013) 19 copies
Blackjack (Darkside) (2010) 17 copies
Afterwalkers (2014) 13 copies


Common Knowledge




7/10, looking back at this book it was an enjoyable novel but it was very underwhelming and didn't age well compared to the other science fiction books that I read. The characters were all very flat and the story was mildly interesting so I read on to see where it was going. The plot begins when the main character Adam betrays his friend Dylan and then a massive airship comes out of nowhere and on it there is a man who would sentence Adam to 300 years in a special prison called the Dial which runs on a different time system than Earth's so that amount of time is only like 3 days on Earth. He stays in prison for a while and discovers that people are trying to escape the prison and the only escape is the portal outside the prison, but somehow in the end a massive battle happens where the airship and the portal are destroyed and there is no way the characters can escape. Unless they build a new portal to escape they are stuck there forever until they die, how dumb of a move is that since they just sealed their fates. Some parts of the world-building were still unexplained and there's no sequel to this book so it's just a standalone which was disappointing to see. If you like an original yet obscure science fiction novel this is for you but there are other ones better than this that you can read.… (more)
Law_Books600 | 5 other reviews | Nov 3, 2023 |
The radio message could have been a fluke, even the letter could be taken for a joke, but a giant zeppelin on an abandoned beach can not be ignored. When a stupid mistake, a thoughtless act breaks apart a friendship, the traitor must be punished, and the only way for a traitor to learn their lesson is imprisonment on the Dial.

No one on the Dial is innocent, all have betrayed someone, been a traitor to someone, and all are paying for their actions. Life on the Dial is slow, existing outside of time, and a sentence on the Dial will last years, hundreds of years in fact. But as long as there are those who are traitors there will be the Dial to punish them, with no chance of escape.

The Traitors on the Dial are all children who have committed acts of betrayal against family and friends. With the majority of betrays being petty acts and thoughtless mistakes, here there is no allowance for the young to learn by their mistakes, only a harsh punishment for actions regretted. The idea behind this story is quite intriguing however the execution is a little standard. Still, this is a prison story young boys will enjoy.
… (more)
LarissaBookGirl | 5 other reviews | Aug 2, 2021 |
Short, quick read. Had a few nice twists ,but didnt generate enough interest in me to continue with the series. Would recommend it for middle graders though.
manogna_thumukunta | 10 other reviews | Jul 10, 2020 |

I’ve been participating in the #redeyereadalong on Goodreads, and this is the last book in the series, read during the week 26th October 2015 – 31st October 2015.

I joined in the readalong with mixed feelings as I am a bit of a novice horror reader – I tend to be a trifle scared of reading frightening stories – but astonishingly I have found it really fun and totally enthralling throughout. I whipped through those pages reading five books in super quick, heartbeat time! There have been moments when certain passages I’ve read have turned my stomach, or left me hugging my duvet for comfort but it has been such a positive experience overall. So thank you so much to Chelley who blogs at Tales of Yesterday and Heather from Heather Reviews for including me in this readalong.

My overall favourites are without a doubt, Frozen Charlotte from week 1 and this final book Dark Room from Week 5! So the best were first and last as far as I was concerned!

My review:

Dark Room certainly started off dark and sinister and that’s a fact. The Prologue tells the tale of Walter West, a rich young chap, but don’t be fooled this, he is no sweet boy next door! If you are friends with Walter West and you’re young and pretty, don’t pop over to visit, well not unless you want to be viciously murdered.

In Chapter 1 we are introduced to the main protagonist a sixteen year old girl called Darla whose life has been hard, with a capital H, she certainly hasn’t had a fairy-tale existence. Her dad hopper is a drunken, hopeless fellow who runs from one unhappy experience to another. Her mother Sidney killed herself. Darla runs away from yet another bout of trouble with her dad Hopper to Saffron Hills. She finds that Saffron Hills has its fair share of beautiful people, is obsessed with looking good, and is home to the Miss Saffron beauty pageant. Not exactly a place to make Darla feel at home as she is a fairly plain looking girl.

There are a bunch of mysteries to solve in this book so at times it came across more like a murder mystery than a horror story. Though there are elements of horror in Dark Room, the visions that Darla experiences are certainly horrible, and this sense of terror is amplified by Darla having no control over these frightening and disturbing visions. As the story unfolds she starts to try to take control of these visions, but more about that later…

Darla meets with her artistic neighbour Annie, who befriends Darla and Hopper. Annie is a fascinating character too with a hidden aspect to her personality that is revealed later in the novel.

When more beautiful kids are killed Darla’s personality changes, she becomes this courageous kid investigating, trying to stop another murder from being committed. That’s when I really started to love Darla, undoubtedly she is the best character in the book, the one that you can’t help but root for.

Photography is used in a creative way as a device in this book, to reveal the next murder, but is also used to suggest the nastiness of the beautiful crowd. In one particular scene TJ takes a selfie with Darla to ridicule her and other plain girls like her. Natalie, Gabrielle, Ryan, TJ, Carmen are beautiful on the outside, but inside they are mean, unlikable, thoughtless bullies. That is not a criticism of the book, the beautiful kids are meant to be portrayed this way, a message is intended to come across. Beauty is more than outward appearance it is what you hold in your heart. The cruel message finally gets through to one of the beautiful kids, who eventually turns over a new leaf.

Darla’s friend Sasha is an interesting but flawed character. She is pretty but in a non-conformist, punk style of way. She is also quite unlikable, and comes across as pretty uncaring, and glib, until one of the kids who she is secretly fond of in the beautiful clique gets murdered. Frank appears to be Sasha’s errand boy, but even Frank has a side of him that is kept a mystery.

So a very intriguing story, full of mysteries, secrets, it kept me wondering, guessing… I guessed the murderer then I changed my mind, then I guessed again… Lots of excitement.

The ending was good but perhaps a bit far fetched so instead of a 5 star read I’ve reduced it by half a star!

Would I recommend reading this?

Absolutely, if you can stomach it! The murders are visually gruesome, made me flinch in parts but nevertheless I found Dark Room very absorbing. So go out and get a copy… Just don’t do any selfies for a while…

Warning: Not For Younger Readers.

My rating:

4.5 stars
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marjorie.mallon | 1 other review | Mar 27, 2019 |


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