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Matt Birkbeck

Author of A Beautiful Child

9 Works 367 Members 12 Reviews

About the Author

Matt Birkbeck is an author and journalist who has written articles for The New York Times, the Philadelphia Inquirer, Reader's Digest and Boston Magazine. He is a former newspaper reporter who joined business publisher Harrison Scott Publications, covering Wall Street and regulatory issues in show more Washington, D.C. He has written several books including his biography on Sammy Davis Jr., Deconstructing Sammy: Music, Money, Madness and the Mob. His other title's include: A Deadly Secret, A Beautiful Child, The Quiet Don, and A Deadly Secret: The Bizarre and Chilling Story of Robert Durst. (Bowker Author Biography) show less

Works by Matt Birkbeck


Common Knowledge

Places of residence
Pennsylvania, USA
Andrew Stuart
Short biography
Matt Birkbeck is a reporter for The Morning Call and has served for nearly a decade as a correspondent covering crime and human interest stories for People magazine, and his articles have appeared in The New York Times, Reader's Digest, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and other periodicals. He lives in Pennsylvania. [adapted from Till Death do Us Part (2006)]



Funny title; it refers to a more literal story of the deconstruction of Sammy's life in a real sense than a metaphorical one. Sammy made a mess of his emotional and financial life, and it deteriorated after he died. Due to tax and family problems control of his meager estate and more substantial legacy was contested forever and essentially squandered. Pretty fascinating, if pretty grim, story.

One thing that's notable about this book is the poor copyediting, expecially from a name publisher like Harper. The author is especially allergic to the past perfect tense, and the result is many (a guess is around a dozen) cases where confusion results. A number of typos (especially one "severe" for "sever") also make for jarring reading. One expects more from a Harpe.… (more)
pstevem | 3 other reviews | Aug 19, 2024 |
While undoubtedly a fascinating and overlooked figure, the untold story of Russell Bufalino largely remains untold, only a little less so. There is more than enough quality content in the book to make it a worth while read, however, it seems the content should have been repackaged as the telling of the impact organized crime has had on Pennsylvania, with Bufalino as a focal point.

It is perhaps a testament to the gangster's ability to remain tight lipped and in the shadows, that the author seemed to struggle to compile an entire book on the man. The book pivots from the early days of organized crime in Pennsylvania, to a recent scandal involving a prominent Bufalino connected businessman (Louis DeNaples)and the politics around him, to Bufalino's story itself.

While the author does a good enough job of breaking down who Bufalino was and how he rose to prominence, there is not enough to fill an entire book, and the flipping between Bufalino's story and the modern day trials and tribulations of DeNaples is random and breaks up the flow of the book.

There were several areas I found to be problematic. The first was the author's insertion of various reports and trial transcripts, which go on for pages at a time. While it is great to have a historical document, I don't think anyone really benefits from reading three pages of Bufalino pleading the fifth. It just comes across as filler after a point. The second was the reliance on "I Heard You Paint Houses". Much of what Frank Sheeran claims has been derided as straight lies or vast exaggerations. Given Sheeran's relationship with Bufalino, it is understandable Brandt's book would be referenced, but Birkbeck passes along Sheeran's version of events with no disclaimer or other heads up as to the veracity of what Sheeran claims.

The other qualm I had was the author makes grand claims and then drops the subject. The most glaring example of this was when he asserted Bufalino was running three crime families at once (his own, the Magaddino and the Genovese families). This is a fascinating and huge claim, but then dropped (and with little to support it).

These factors aside, I think the author did a well enough job with the resources available to him; there is a enough quality content to make this a strong book, but with a different format.
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melkor1917 | Jul 10, 2023 |
Very detailed look at the mysterious, sad life of Suzanne Sevakis. Frankllin Floyd kidnapped her as a young child, raised her as his daughter and then later married her. Well written.
loraineo | 3 other reviews | Jan 31, 2023 |
My guilty pleasure - true crime novels. This one was very sad because "Sheryl" had so much potential despite the terrible circumstances she lived in.
Jen-Lynn | 3 other reviews | Aug 1, 2022 |


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