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Michael Bradley (1) (1944–)

Author of The Secrets of the Freemasons

For other authors named Michael Bradley, see the disambiguation page.

16 Works 711 Members 7 Reviews

Works by Michael Bradley


Common Knowledge

Legal name
Bradley, Michael Anderson



You can believe it or not, still this is a great story of what might have happened. The author makes a very strong case for what he believes, so why not go along for the read? It'll keep you entertained and wondering for quite awhile.
Hawken04 | 1 other review | Jan 28, 2013 |
Bradley argues that the Ice Age experiences of European humanity gave them a peculiar psychology, sociology and biology; which is the source of much racism, sexism and aggression.
quicksiva | Jan 9, 2013 |
As I read this book, I found it to be very inaccurate on several issues. To start off, the layout of the lodge on page 27 was blatantly labeled wrong and this fact just jumped out for anyone who has even the rudimentary knowledge of Masonry.

On page 31, the author mentions the Scottish Rites and York Rites but never elaborates on any subject dealing with the York Rites.

The obvious omission of any mention of the philanthropic charities that the Masons are involved with such as the Shriners Hospitals who provide free orthopedic and burn care to children under 18. The Scottish Rite Masons have been national leaders in the effort to help children and their families overcome the painful obstacles of dyslexia. With 55 active Learning Centers in 15 states, the Children's Learning Centers tackle the challenge of dyslexia both by providing free tutoring for children with dyslexia and by training a growing cadre of highly skilled and dedicated tutors. There was no mention that it was the Freemasons that made it possible for the Statue of Liberty to be erected in New York Harbor, one of the iconic symbols of this nation. The local Blue Lodges of Masonry contribute liberally to many college scholarships for deserving high school seniors helping them obtain their advanced educations. Of course the author, Michael Bradley makes no mention of any of this in his book.

This brings us to page 72, Pagan Rites! Now finely we get to the true aspect of crap that the author’s purpose of writing this book. For the next several pages just goes on to perpetuate false, created fabrication lies by that have been disproven over the years. Much of this false information came from Léo Taxil, which was the pen name of Marie Joseph Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pagès. Léo Taxil hired a prostitute by the name of, Diana Vaughan, who was supposed to be the female involved in Satanic Freemasonry rituals. On April 19, 1897 Taxil called a press conference at which he claimed he would introduce Diana Vaughan to the press. He instead announced that many of his revelations about the Freemasons were nothing more than a fictitious con job. I find it interesting that Michael Bradley is gaining financial rewards today running the same old, and not even new or original, copying Léo Taxil’s con.

At the end of reading the book, the only enlightenment on the subject was the fact that I had pissed away $9.95 on blaringly wrong, poorly researched and non-confirmed and even long ago disproven and admitted fabrication information stated as facts. The only thing missing was some link to alien space men conspiracy theories to make this factious fantasy tome complete.

You would be much better off spending your money on the Discovery Channel’s DVD, Hunting The Lost Symbol for more accurate information on the subject.
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1 vote
Mason-Scott | May 31, 2010 |
Short sections on several secret societies. Useful to look up the conspiracies in various books and movies.
Landshark5 | 1 other review | Jun 12, 2008 |

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