Picture of author.

Thomas Brooks (1) (1608–1680)

Author of Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices

For other authors named Thomas Brooks, see the disambiguation page.

45 Works 3,654 Members 9 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: Thomas Brooks on the title page of his book The Riches of Christ. By Unknown - http://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/largerimage.php?search=ss&firstRun=..., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10604638


Works by Thomas Brooks

Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices (1652) 1,378 copies, 4 reviews
Heaven on Earth (1654) 504 copies
The Secret Key to Heaven (1665) 321 copies
Sermons of The Great Ejection (2012) — Contributor — 189 copies, 1 review
The Works of Thomas Brooks (6 Volumes) (1978) 182 copies, 1 review
Repent and Believe (2008) 50 copies
Apples Of Gold (2013) 7 copies, 1 review
Paradise Opened (2013) 7 copies
Resista Ao Diabo (1905) 4 copies, 1 review
Hearing God's Rod (2022) 1 copy


Common Knowledge

Date of death



De uma maneira muita prática, o autor nos apresenta caminhos para resistirmos diante da tentação. Indico com muita urgência este livro a todos que desejam uma vida de maior santidade.
wilsonportejr | Nov 30, 2023 |
“La palabra a su tiempo, ¡cuán buena es!” (1 Prv 15:23). Es a menudo como una “Manzana de oro con figuras de plata” (Prv 25:11). Hay en esta obra muchas palabras importantes para cualquiera, pero especialmente para los jóvenes que comienzan su caminar con el Señor.

En palabras del propio Thomas Brooks:

"Hay muchas cosas en este tratado que son de utilidad para muchos, y varias cosas más que, de momento, no son todos los días predicadas ni leídas. Lo he hecho tan placentero como el tiempo me lo ha permitido, para que así, sea más provechoso al lector y para que pueda impactar mejor al joven por medio de esta obra santa; la cual es un punto alto de la sabiduría celestial, no habiendo más sabiduría que aquella para ganar almas, 2 Co 12:16; Prv 11:13. Es mi oración que este tratado sea tan bendecido por el cielo, como para que pueda ganar a algunos, edificar a otros, y hacer el bien a todos. Así podré descansar."… (more)
Rawderson_Rangel | May 26, 2023 |
OH. EM. Goodness. this book was amazing. heart wrenching, perspective changing. i could have finished and started all over again. remember each sermon is a SERMON. read it like a sermon. i highlighted and highlighted. wow. #nonconformist
Isaiah40 | Sep 7, 2021 |
Smooth Stones Taken from Ancient Brooks is Charles Spurgeon's first published book, though it is not his original material. He collated, edited, and published words of wisdom from Puritan pastor Thomas Brooks, thus the clever title referencing "Ancient Brooks."

This book is more or less a compendium of Puritan Proverbs. Short, pithy statement lay out Biblical truths (from simple to profound) in elegant ways. Any reader of Spurgeon can see Brooks' influence upon the Prince of Preachers. Brooks' favorite topics include the graces of spiritual discipline, humility, prayer, eternal security, holy living, and the supremacy of Christ.

I recommend reading this book slowly and methodically. Read a page or two a day, pondering the lovely insights of this Puritan powerhouse. My only critique of Spurgeon's job as editor (am I allowed to critique Spurgeon?) is that I would love for the book to either be collated by topic or to have a topical index in the back. As it were, I noted the category of some of my favorites so I can find them easily in the future.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes from Brooks in no particular order:

"Christ will be all in all, or he will be nothing at all. Though his coat was once divided, yet he will never suffer his crown to be divided" (67).

"Riches, though well got, are yet but like to manna: those that gathered less had no want, and those that gathered more found it but a trouble and annoyance to them" (44).

"There is no way to avoid perishing by Christ's iron rod, but by kissing his golden sceptre" (25).

"Tears are a kind of silent prayers, which, though they say nothing, yet obtain pardon; and though they plead not a man's cause, yet they obtain mercy at the hands of God" (154).

"God makes afflictions to be but inlets to the soul's more sweet and full enjoyment of his blessed self" (150).

"The lives of ministers oftentimes convince more strongly than their words; their tongues may persuade, but their lives command" (143).
… (more)
RobSumrall | Mar 15, 2017 |

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