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95+ Works 12,165 Members 184 Reviews 11 Favorited

About the Author

James Earl Carter Jr. was born on October 1, 1924 in Plains, Georgia. He graduated from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland in 1946, and spent seven years as an officer in the Navy. When his term was over, Carter returned to Plains and began his career in politics at the state level in 1962. show more In 1970, he was elected Governor of Georgia and six years later announced his candidacy for the Presidency. Carter campaigned against Gerald Ford and eventually won with 297 electoral votes, becoming the 39th President of the United States. As President, Carter established a National Energy Policy, expanded the National Park System and created the Department of Education. He was also instrumental in the Camp David Agreement of 1978, which helped to bring peace between Egypt and Israel. Carter established full diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China and completed negotiations of the SALT II Nuclear Limitations Treaty with the Soviet Union. Upon completion of his term as President, he founded the Carter Center in Atlanta, a non-profit organization that works to prevent and resolve conflict and to enhance freedom and democracy around the world. In 2002, Carter received the Nobel Peace Prize. He has written several books including An Hour Before Daylight; Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, Our Endangered Values, A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety, and Faith: A Journey for All. (Bowker Author Biography) Jimmy Carter who served as thirty-ninth president of the United States, was born in Plains, Georgia, in 1924. After leaving the White House he and his wife Rosalynn, founded the Atlanta-based Carter Center, a nonprofit organization that works to prevent and resolve conflicts, enhance freedom and democracy, and improve health around the world. (Publisher Provided) show less
Image credit: Official White House portrait


Works by Jimmy Carter

Our Endangered Values: America's Moral Crisis (2005) 1,777 copies, 28 reviews
Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid (2006) 1,456 copies, 28 reviews
Living Faith (1996) 825 copies, 5 reviews
Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President (1982) 485 copies, 2 reviews
A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety (2015) 482 copies, 13 reviews
The Virtues of Aging (1998) 391 copies, 3 reviews
Christmas in Plains: Memories (2001) 376 copies, 9 reviews
White House Diary (2010) — Author; Narrator, some editions — 366 copies, 7 reviews
Sharing Good Times (2004) 269 copies, 3 reviews
Turning Point (1992) 247 copies, 4 reviews
Always a Reckoning and Other Poems (1994) 237 copies, 4 reviews
Beyond the White House (2007) 228 copies, 2 reviews
Why Not the Best? (1975) 179 copies, 1 review
A Remarkable Mother (2008) 170 copies, 3 reviews
Faith: A Journey For All (2018) 130 copies, 5 reviews
The Little Baby Snoogle-Fleejer (1995) 83 copies, 4 reviews
A Government as Good as Its People (1977) 40 copies, 1 review
Atlanta: The Right Kind of Courage (2000) — Introduction — 10 copies
Conversations With Carter (1998) 4 copies
The Journey 1 copy
Hang time (1999) 1 copy
Carter on the arts (1977) 1 copy

Associated Works

Out of My Life and Thought: An Autobiography (1931) — Foreword, some editions — 759 copies, 6 reviews
Gonzo: The Life of Hunter S. Thompson (2007) — Contributor — 614 copies, 9 reviews
Journey Through Heartsongs (2001) — Foreword — 474 copies, 5 reviews
Our Fifty States (2004) — Foreword — 452 copies, 1 review
Our White House: Looking In, Looking Out (2008) — Contributor — 366 copies, 8 reviews
The Life of Meaning: Reflections on Faith, Doubt, and Repairing the World (2007) — Contributor — 127 copies, 5 reviews
Overeaters Anonymous (1980) — Telegram (in Appendices), some editions — 123 copies, 1 review
On the Firing Line: The Public Life of Our Public Figures (1989) — Contributor — 114 copies, 1 review
Religion, The Missing Dimension of Statecraft (1994) — Foreword — 89 copies, 1 review
The Best American Spiritual Writing 2008 (2008) — Introduction — 86 copies, 4 reviews
The Times of Harvey Milk [1984 film] (1984) — Archive footage — 64 copies, 1 review
If I Had a Hammer: Building Homes and Hope with Habitat for Humanity (2009) — Foreword — 63 copies, 3 reviews
Southerners: A Journalist's Odyssey (1980) — Subject — 29 copies
Where We Stand: Voices Of Southern Dissent (2004) — Foreword — 28 copies
The International Bill of Human Rights (1981) — Foreword — 18 copies
The Democrats: From Jefferson to Clinton (1995) — Foreword — 18 copies
A Portrait of Southern Writers: Photographs (2000) — Contributor — 13 copies
A Christmas Housewarming (1992) — Foreword — 11 copies
International Mediation in Venezuela (2011) — Foreword — 4 copies
Craft in America: Season 3: Family [TV series] (2011) — Contributor — 3 copies
1990 General Elections in Haiti (1991) — Foreword — 2 copies
The Bitter Southerner Magazine, issue No. 1 (2021) — Contributor — 1 copy
The White House ... It's Your House, Too (1977) — Preface — 1 copy
A Cozy Infinity: A Cappella at 25 (2014) — Contributor — 1 copy


aging (71) America (53) American history (96) American Presidents (128) autobiography (225) biography (517) Carter (219) Christian living (71) Christianity (65) Christmas (58) current events (53) essays (58) faith (69) fiction (124) first edition (57) Georgia (84) hardcover (74) historical fiction (87) history (387) Israel (90) Jimmy Carter (346) memoir (330) Middle East (184) non-fiction (693) Palestine (102) peace (78) philosophy (53) poetry (169) political science (46) politics (520) president (87) presidents (308) read (58) religion (171) signed (207) spirituality (48) to-read (287) unread (46) USA (98) writing (52)

Common Knowledge



More that 15 years after being first published, this book is a critical review of the Middle East and the problems that still plaque the Palestinian people. Thank God for Jimmy Carter.
John_Hughel | 27 other reviews | May 25, 2024 |
I've been looking for a book about the Middle East, one that goes back far enough to help understand the bloody mess of the place. [[Jimmy Carter]]'s book was perfect, going back to biblical history, as a foundation, and traveling through all of modern history. Honestly, I could have stopped after reading the acknowledgements, as Carter says of the strife there, "The most unremitting conflicts of the Middle East are not on the battlefields but in the minds of the people there." He comes back to this concept again and again, detailing his visits with the leaders in power when he was President in efforts to establish some kind of peace in the region. The keen understanding of the human condition he brings to the accounts of these meetings is so necessary in understanding how we got to this place. He is somewhat forgiving of the Reagan years, but lays much of the blame for the broken peace in quick-draw Ronnie's Beirut policies. So many missed opportunities, so many leaders ooking for individual victories and to maintain political power.

There is only one other review here on LT, and it is quite dismissive. Sure, you could read this book to see what things looked like during the Carter years. Or, you could read this book because Jimmy Carter is the only American President to broker any form of peace in about 100 years. Seems like that's a good reason to start here if you want to understand this part of the world.

Highly Recommended!!!!!
5 bones!!!!!
… (more)
blackdogbooks | 2 other reviews | Dec 3, 2023 |
Jimmy Carter recounts his boyhood growing up on a Georgia farm.

The only reason I picked it up was because it fit a book challenge I'm working through this year, and I'm really glad it prompted me to read this. Carter grew up in Archery and Plains, Georgia, working on the farm with his dad and alongside black sharecropping families. The style is somewhat meandering and conversational, but I went along for the ride and especially appreciated his reflection on segregation and his experiences and influences as a child. An enjoyable memoir from the 39th president of the United States.… (more)
bell7 | 21 other reviews | Nov 25, 2023 |
introduction to theology
SrMaryLea | 4 other reviews | Aug 22, 2023 |



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