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Richard Harding Davis (1864–1916)

Author of In the Fog

95+ Works 1,192 Members 19 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Author and journalist Richard Harding Davis was born in Philadelphia on April 18, 1864. After studying at Lehigh and Johns Hopkins universities, he became a reporter and in 1890, he was the managing editor of Harper's Weekly. On assignments, he toured many areas of the world and recorded his show more impressions of the American West, Europe, and South America in a series of books. As a foreign correspondent, he covered every war from the Greco-Turkish to World War I and published several books recording his experiences. In 1896, he became part of William Randolph Hearst's unproven plot to start the Spanish-American War in order to boost newspaper sales when Hearst sent him and illustrator Frederick Remington to cover the Cuban rebellion against Spanish rule. In Cuba, Davis wrote several articles that sparked U.S. interest in the struggles of the Cuban people, but he resigned when Hearst changed the facts in one of his stories. Davis was aboard the New York during the bombing of Mantanzas, which gave the New York Herald a scoop on the war. As a result, the U.S. Navy prohibited reporters from being aboard any U.S. ships for the rest of the Cuban conflict. Davis was captured by the German Army in 1914 and was threatened with execution as a spy. He eventually convinced them he was a reporter and was released. He is considered one of the most influential reporters of the yellow journalist era. He died in Mount Kisco, New York on April 11, 1916. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
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Works by Richard Harding Davis

In the Fog (1901) 103 copies, 4 reviews
Soldiers of Fortune (1897) 100 copies, 1 review
Gallegher and Other Stories (1891) 50 copies, 1 review
Captain Macklin: His Memoirs (2007) 46 copies, 1 review
Notes of a War Correspondent (1911) 45 copies, 1 review
The Lion and the Unicorn (1899) 44 copies, 1 review
Real Soldiers of Fortune (1901) 43 copies
The King's Jackal (1898) 41 copies
Ranson's Folly (1902) 39 copies
Van Bibber and Others (2002) 33 copies
The West from a car-window (2006) 33 copies
With the allies (2009) 33 copies
The Bar Sinister (1903) 32 copies, 1 review
The White Mice (1909) 29 copies, 1 review
21 Essential American Short Stories (2011) — Contributor — 27 copies, 1 review
Cuba in War Time (2000) 22 copies
About Paris (2010) 21 copies
The Lost Road (2002) 21 copies, 1 review
Once Upon A Time (2008) 20 copies
The Scarlet Car (2010) 18 copies
The Red Cross Girl (1918) 17 copies
The Man Who Could Not Lose (2007) 16 copies
The Princess Aline (2010) 14 copies
Our English Cousins (2008) 14 copies
Miss Civilization (2006) 11 copies
Somewhere in France (2007) 11 copies, 1 review
A year from a reporter's note-book (1903) 10 copies, 1 review
The Boy Scout (2006) 9 copies
Vera the medium (1990) 9 copies
The Deserter (2006) 7 copies
Her First Appearance (1996) 7 copies
The Russo-Japanese War (1904) 6 copies, 1 review
My Buried Treasure (2014) 6 copies
Stories for Boys (1977) 5 copies
A Wasted Day (1990) 4 copies, 1 review
The Amateur (2012) 4 copies
The Consul (2006) 4 copies, 1 review
The Spy (2004) 3 copies
The Lost House (2014) 3 copies
The Make-Believe Man (2018) 2 copies
The Messengers (2006) 2 copies
Peace Manoeuvres (2004) 2 copies
A Charmed Life (1990) 2 copies, 1 review
Cloak and Dagger — Author — 1 copy
Cinderella (2013) 1 copy
A Question of Latitude (1990) 1 copy
The Frame Up (1990) 1 copy
The Nature Faker (1990) 1 copy

Associated Works

The Spy's Bedside Book (1957) — Contributor — 359 copies, 1 review
Americans in Paris: A Literary Anthology (2004) — Contributor — 302 copies, 3 reviews
The Art of Fact: A Historical Anthology of Literary Journalism (1997) — Contributor — 216 copies, 1 review
World War I and America: Told by the Americans Who Lived It (1918) — Contributor — 201 copies, 1 review
The New Junior Classics Volume 06: Stories About Boys and Girls (1938) — Contributor — 193 copies, 2 reviews
The Fireside Book of Dog Stories (1943) — Contributor — 148 copies
An Anthology of Famous American Stories (1953) — Contributor — 144 copies, 1 review
The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes: A Collection of Victorian Detective Tales (2008) — Contributor — 112 copies, 1 review
The Scribner Treasury: 22 Classic Tales (1953) — Contributor — 108 copies, 1 review
The American Rivals of Sherlock Holmes (1976) — Contributor — 106 copies, 1 review
Victorian Villainies (1984) — Contributor — 93 copies, 2 reviews
Crime and Mystery Short Stories (2016) — Contributor — 81 copies
Bedside Book of Famous American Stories (1936) — Contributor — 72 copies
Best Loved Short Stories (1986) — Contributor — 62 copies, 2 reviews
The Best American Mystery Stories of the 19th Century (2014) — Contributor — 56 copies, 1 review
Reading for Pleasure (2023) — Contributor — 52 copies
Fourteen Great Detective Stories (2004) — Contributor — 37 copies
Short Story Classics [American], Volume 4 (1905) — Contributor — 17 copies
A Cavalcade of Collier's (1959) — Contributor — 10 copies
Fiction Goes to Court (1954) — Contributor — 8 copies
Representative American Short Stories — Contributor — 5 copies, 1 review
The Spy in the Shadows [Anthology 8-in-1] (1965) — Composer — 3 copies


19th century (21) 20th century (30) adventure (30) American (26) American literature (69) anthology (186) biography (16) classics (25) crime (15) crime fiction (13) DavisRH (20) ebook (15) espionage (44) essays (34) fiction (316) Folio Society (61) France (31) hardcover (17) HC (18) history (59) if (14) journalism (35) Kindle (61) Library of America (47) literature (39) LOA (14) memoir (14) mystery (95) non-fiction (60) novel (46) Paris (41) Sherlock Holmes (19) short stories (173) spy (24) stories (16) to-read (66) travel (25) unread (27) Walker Collection (15) WWI (47)

Common Knowledge



I sought out this collection after reading a discussion thread not long ago about the most memorable/traumatizing short stories assigned by high school English teachers. Only 21 stories are included here, and they are limited to those of only American origin, but I thought it was a reasonably well-rounded collection. They range from the humorous and the delightfully disturbing to the incomprehensible ("The Call of Cthulhu") and the weirdly twisted, and I limited my reading to no more than a single story each day to allow more time to ruminate.… (more)
ryner | May 10, 2023 |
This is really odd for a short story, but I was actually impressed with this story. It's on the long side--close to 7,500 words--so I was daunted to delve into what I usually think of classical short stories: commentary on the times and poor character and plot development--not that I blame short stories for that, it's just an indication that while I have a personal goal to read more short stories and learn to appreciate them, they're generally not my favorite type of publication.

The Consul has a sad side to it. The main character, Marshall, was once Abraham Lincoln's right hand man, but since the President's death, Marshall has fallen out of political favor. After many years in the navy rising to admiral and many more years as an ambassador to a myriad of countries, he has been "marooned" in Columbia. Forgotten. His hometown grew up, he has few friends, and he simply has no connection to his old life until the plot of the story: Senator Hanley pays him a visit, and on that ship is also an admiral that's a friend of Marshall's.

What will happen? Will party boy Hanley destroy Marshall's career? Will Admiral Hardy find a way to intervene?

It looks good. Marshall stands up for righteousness. But Hanley makes threats.

You must read to the last three, short paragraphs to find out. The plot twists left and right until the end. In fact, I still wasn't 100 percent sure what happened. I knew the result, but how did it come about? Who was the true conniving man? Was someone not a bad guy? What this planned in advance, if so how far? Was it decided at the first conflict? Why can't I find Spark Notes on this?

I think all the potential methods for the conclusion make the story as fun as the transparent plot twists.
… (more)
leah_markum | Oct 28, 2022 |
[The Notes of a War Correspondent] by Richard Harding Davis

Richard Harding Davis was a journeyman writer in the late 19th century and into the 20th; he produced journalism, short stories, novels, and plays. He worked as an editorial executive for several newspapers and magazines. Before he died of a heart attack in 1916, several of his stories were adapted to the silver (but silent) screen. Despite his versatility and productivity, he isn't remembered for any particular outstanding piece. But he is the iconic turn-of-the-century war correspondent, covering the Cuban-Spanish War in 1896, the Greek-Turkish War in 1897, the Spanish-American War (1898), second Boer War of 1899–1902, and the Russo-Japanese War in 1904–1905. The Notes of a War Correspondent includes a miscellany of reports from each of those five wars.

Of the battle of Velestinos during the Greek-Turkish war, Davis reported:

The Turks had made three attacks on Velestinos on three different days, and each time had been repulsed. A week later, on the 4th of May, they came back again, to the number of ten thousand, and brought four batteries with them, and the fighting continued for two more days. This was called the second battle of Velestinos…

He reported on the sounds of battle, of the unpredictability and treacherousness of war in the trenches, and the bravery and stoicism of the combatants:

Then there began a concert which came from just overhead—a concert of jarring sounds and little whispers. The “shrieking shrapnel,” of which one reads in the description of every battle, did not seem so much like a shriek as it did like the jarring sound of telegraph wires when some one strikes the pole from which they hang…After a few hours we learned by observation that when a shell sang overhead it had already struck somewhere else, which was comforting…The bullets were much more disturbing; they seemed to be less open in their warfare, and to steal up and sneak by, leaving no sign, and only to whisper as they passed. They moved under a cloak of invisibility, and made one feel as though he were the blind man in a game of blind-man’s-buff…
   If a man happened to be standing in the line of a bullet he was killed and passed into eternity, leaving a wife and children, perhaps, to mourn him. “Father died,” these children will say, “doing his duty.” As a matter of fact, father died because he happened to stand up at the wrong moment, or because he turned to ask the man on his right for a match, instead of leaning toward the left, and he projected his bulk of two hundred pounds where a bullet, fired by a man who did not know him and who had not aimed at him, happened to want the right of way. One of the two had to give it, and as the bullet would not, the soldier had his heart torn out…
   Toward mid-day you would see a man leave the trench with a comrade’s arm around him, and start on the long walk to the town where the hospital corps were waiting for him. These men did not wear their wounds with either pride or braggadocio, but regarded the wet sleeves and shapeless arms in a sort of wondering surprise. There was much more of surprise than of pain in their faces, and they seemed to be puzzling as to what they had done in the past to deserve such a punishment.

Davis covered two wars in Cuba, only two years apart. The Cubans fought to free themselves from Spanish rule in 1896. And American forces fought the Spaniards in Cuban (and elsewhere) in 1898. The latter was made famous by Teddy Roosevelt and the troops he commanded, known as the Rough Riders. According to Davis' report, the Battle for San Juan Hill began with a series of military blunders that had "brought seven thousand American soldiers into a chute of death from which there was no escape except by taking the enemy who held it by the throat and driving him out and beating him down…"

Colonel Roosevelt, on horseback, broke from the woods behind the line of the Ninth, and finding its men lying in his way, shouted: “If you don’t wish to go forward, let my men pass.” The junior officers of the Ninth, with their negroes, instantly sprang into line with the Rough Riders, and charged at the blue block-house on the right.
   I speak of Roosevelt first because…he was, without doubt, the most conspicuous figure in the charge…Roosevelt, mounted high on horseback, and charging the rifle-pits at a gallop and quite alone, made you feel that you would like to cheer…Someone asked one of the officers if he had any difficulty in making his men follow him. “No,” he answered, “I had some difficulty in keeping up with them.”

The entire book is like this. Is it an important read? Nah. But I was entertained by it, and I wouldn't hesitate to say, "Go ahead and read it.
… (more)
weird_O | Jun 1, 2022 |
1897, three interconnected stories told at The Grill Club.
Firstly the Story of the Naval Attache as told by Lt. Ripley Sears. Who on walking home late one night in heavy for encountered dead bodies in a house.
The second, the story of Princess Zichy and the theft of a diamond necklace. Finally a story to find the murderer of those bodies.
An interesting mystery story.
First published 1901
Vesper1931 | 3 other reviews | Jul 29, 2021 |



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