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John S. Feinberg

Author of Ethics for a Brave New World

17+ Works 2,349 Members 8 Reviews

About the Author

John S. Feinberg is professor of biblical and systematic theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He has also been a pastor, a staff member for Chosen People Ministries, and has taught at Western Seminary and Liberty University. Feinberg's previous works include Continuity and show more Discontinuity. Ethics for a Brave New World, and The Many Faces of Evil. show less
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Works by John S. Feinberg

Associated Works

Four Views on Heaven (Counterpoints: Bible and Theology) (2022) — Contributor — 39 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge




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Title: The Many Faces of Evil
Series: -----
Author: John Feinberg
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars
Genre: Non-Fiction Theology
Pages: 544
Format: Paperback

How to reconcile an Omnipotent, Benevolent God with all the various evils in the world is a question that has plagued Christianity since it's inception. Various answers have been put forth and various counters to those answers have also been set out. Feinberg sets out to examine various answers and counters based on various denominational outlooks. Basically, Feinberg sets out to show how there can be various answers that all work, no matter your underlying sectarian tenants. My Thoughts: I can not say that I loved this book. However, it fulfilled its purpose. First, it made me realize that when I [and many other people] ask "How can God allow..." they are actually asking "WHY would God allow...". The difference is immense. Feinberg is a totally logical person and shows the various ways that that "How" can work out. It was an enlightening but frustrating read. I have to admit, I felt pretty stupid in reading a lot of the stuff. There is an underlying assumption that the reader knows "X" or is at least familiar with it. Maybe in a couple more re-reads I'll be familiar enough that I won't have to re-read pages at a time. Thankfully Feinberg does address the "Why", which is the "Religious Problem of Evil" in the last chapter. He opens up about the experience he and his wife dealt with in learning about a condition she had. It devastated him and no amount of head knowledge made things easier for him. This book took me months to read. I'd read 5 or 10 pages, then have to digest and think about it for a day or two. It will be a book that I plan on re-reading just to refresh and encourage myself during the dark times. Highly recommended if you've ever thought about God and evil. "
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BookstoogeLT | Dec 10, 2016 |
When something tragic happens in our life, that alters it forever, there is the tendency to ask “Why?” Sadly there is never an answer to this question, and if there were, none could bring relief and comfort.
Mr. Feinberg openly, transparently, and honestly walks the reader through grappling with the “whys” of personal tragedy. He shares his step by step is journey of pain from the diagnosis of his wife’s Huntington disease to acceptance, as one who has been there. I could relate to much of what he shared in relation to the death of my husband. He helps the reader understand that that God is a loving and caring even though He does not prevent bad things from happening to His children. The author shares his rawest emotions and thoughts as he wrestled with the unchangeable circumstances his family faced. He delves deep into scriptures to not to answer that age old question, but to find the help and strength that is needed to go on.
The book also does a wonderful job of instruction friends and family in how to be a support to one facing such challenges. This includes things NOT to do and some of these might surprise you as they are fairly common offerings when people try to minister to those that are hurting. Though it might sound like a depressing subject, this book is one of hope and healing.
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Mizroady | 2 other reviews | Jul 27, 2016 |
When There Are No Easy Answers by John Feinberg is personal and powerful work on suffering and the Christian. Feinberg draws on his own personal experience of walking with his life through her initial diagnosis of Huntington's disease and the subsequent course their life took giving practical advice in how to walk through suffering and how to minister to those who suffer.

Feinberg lays out his own personal wrestling with the problem of suffering, not just as a theoretical issue of philosophy but as a very real personal experience. He traces the feelings that those who experience might suffer pointing out the feelings of abandonment, anger, and betrayal that might arise. I think the third chapter of this book is one that could stand on its own. Often when we are dealing with others who are suffering we want to merely address the intellectual aspects and that too often with short glib answers. Feinberg effectively shows how these easy answers we try to address suffers with often hurt more than they help. Feinberg in the following chapters makes clear that in all of our suffering there is still evidence of God's goodness to us. Feinberg struggled with a feeling that somehow God had deceived him by not telling them what awaited them in the future, Feinberg shows this too is God's goodness as the present has enough to concern us.

As someone who is theologically and philosophically oriented this book was a helpful corrective for me. This book has helped me think through the personal and emotional aspects of suffering in addition to the intellectual questions that arise in light of suffering. I'd recommend this book to anyone. This isn't just a book for ministers, this a book for anyone as we will all experience some suffering and we will walk with others through suffering.

Disclosure: I received this book free from the publisher for providing this review. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/wa...
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stevodresen | 2 other reviews | Jul 26, 2016 |
Grief is a difficult subject to read about and an even more subject to experience. I have read many books that cover this topic, but none covers the experience as well as “When There are No Easy Answers” by John S. Feinberg.

People never know what to say to their friends or family members when a tragic illness or death occurs. In this book, the author covers the usual comments that are not helpful, and why they are not helpful. Often scripture is quoted, but misused. Next, he shared how he moved forward and learned to cope with the challenges ahead of him. He even tackled the subject of the suffering Christian in the chapter “Grace, Justice, and the Suffering of the Righteous”. The book ends with ten ways the God uses suffering.

This is a deeply personal book in which the author shares his personal thoughts and experiences in an effort to help others. In my opinion, that reaching out to his readers is what makes this book different from others I have read. His experience was with the devastating diagnosis of his wife, but the lessons learned are applicable to all types of grief.

I wish that the lessons and type of compassion in this book were taught in churches and Sunday schools. I highly recommend this book for those suffering tragedies of their own, but also for those who want to react to those around them in a positive, helpful way.

I received a copy of When There Are No Answers by John S. Feinberg from Kregel Publications in exchange for an honest review.
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Tmtrvlr | 2 other reviews | Jul 25, 2016 |



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