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Lion Feuchtwanger (1884–1958)

Author of The Oppermanns

126+ Works 2,809 Members 57 Reviews 8 Favorited

About the Author

Lion Feuchtwanger, novelist and dramatist, was born in Munich, Germany, the son of a wealthy manufacturer. The rise of the Nazis drove him to France, and after the collapse of that country he escaped to Spain with great difficulty. He reached the United States in 1940. A major work is his trilogy show more on the Jewish historian: Josephus (1932), The Jew of Rome (1935), and Josephus and the Emperor (1942). He was best known in Germany as a dramatist, but his international success was due to his revival of the historical novel written with modern psychological understanding. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Deutsche Post der DDR


Works by Lion Feuchtwanger

The Oppermanns (1933) 408 copies, 14 reviews
Jew Süss (1925) 362 copies, 8 reviews
Raquel: The Jewess of Toledo (1955) — Author — 304 copies, 7 reviews
This Is the Hour: A Novel About Goya (1956) 264 copies, 6 reviews
Proud Destiny (1947) 139 copies, 2 reviews
The Ugly Duchess (1923) — Author — 130 copies, 5 reviews
Josephus (1932) — Author — 104 copies
The Jew of Rome (1935) — Author — 90 copies, 1 review
Josephus Trilogy (1932) — Author — 89 copies, 2 reviews
Paris Gazette (1939) 82 copies
'Tis Folly to Be Wise (1952) — Author — 79 copies
The Pretender (1936) — Author — 76 copies
Josephus and the Emperor (1942) — Author — 56 copies
Simone (1964) 55 copies
Jephta and his daughter (1957) — Author — 52 copies, 1 review
The Lautensack Brothers (1943) 47 copies, 1 review
Moscow 1937 (1937) 16 copies
The house of Desdemona (1984) 9 copies
Der tönerne Gott (1991) 7 copies
Der Preis (1987) 5 copies
Erzählungen - Pep (1985) 4 copies
Rókák a szőlőben I-II (1986) 4 copies
Framgång (2020) 3 copies
Obras selectas (1973) 3 copies
Odysseus and the Swine (1949) 3 copies
Mudrost luđaka (1978) 2 copies
Jud Suss (2006) 2 copies
SINOVI 1 copy
Edu 1 copy
P'esy. 1 copy
Erfolg 1 copy
Šimona 1 copy
Goja 1 copy
Gesammelte Werke — Author — 1 copy
Feuchtwanger művei (1981) 1 copy
1983 1 copy
2008 1 copy
Obras Selectas I (1973) 1 copy
Гойя 1 copy, 1 review

Associated Works

Black Water 2: More Tales of the Fantastic (1990) — Contributor — 153 copies, 3 reviews
The Jewish caravan : great stories of twenty-five centuries (1965) — Contributor, some editions — 136 copies
A Golden Treasure of Jewish Literature (1937) — Contributor — 77 copies, 1 review
The Visions of Simone Machard (1941) — Contributor — 35 copies, 1 review
Het derde Testament : Joodse verhalen (1995) — Contributor, some editions — 7 copies
The Best Short Short Stories from Collier's (1948) — Contributor — 3 copies
Deutschland. Schöne Heimat. Mit einem Vorspurch von Lion Feuchtwanger. (1956) — Foreword, some editions — 2 copies


Common Knowledge



This book about the Nazis and a family of Jews describes the various siblings and how they respond to the rise of the party in 1933 and beyond. What is amazing is that the book is written in 1934, by a German author living abroad after presumably experiencing it himself. While there are no death camps, the narrative is a chilling description of the Nazis early years in power, during which their thugs roam the streets and Jews are subject to outrageous abuse.
The writing is only so-so, a bit utilitarian I would say. But as an historical artifact it's an amazing read- an author trying to warn the world about what was happening in real time.… (more)
DanTarlin | 13 other reviews | Aug 12, 2024 |
A wonderful choice to republish The Oppermanns at this time. The Oppermanns make clear how the Third Reich came about. Especially good was the way the novel showed how different members and friends of the Oppermann family reacted to increasing authoritarianism and discrimination. I think it should be mandatory reading for anyone studying 20th Century history.
janw | 13 other reviews | Jun 20, 2024 |
"Гойя" 1951 - гістарычны раман Ліона Фейхтвангера аб жыцці іспанскага мастака 🧑🏼‍🎨 Францыска Гойі. Кнігу аўтар пачаў пісаць у ЗША ў 1943, куды збег ад гітлераўскай Германіі.
Раман апісваеў жыццё Гойі з 1793 да 1806. Асноўная частка рамана прысвечана сувязі 👩‍❤️‍👨 мастака з герцагіняй Альба. Але кніга цапляе не толькі любоўнымі інтрыгамі. Цікава тое, што гэта інтрыга цесна звязана з палітычным жыццём Іспаніі, дзе да гэтуль пануе інквізіцыя🔥, якая трымае ў страхе іспанскую інтелігенцыя.
Гэта кніга цікава антуражам рамантычных падзей, апісаннем той эпохі, дзе адбывалася інтрыжка. Чытач акунаецца ў жыццё іспанскага грамадства канца XVIII ст. - гамадства знатных асоб👸, кіруючых эліт. Добра апісаны маральныя ўстаноўкі таго соцыума, усе яго хібы і недарэчнасці.
Пакуль Гойя гуляў у палітыяныя гульні Іспаніі, у нашай гісторыі дзяржавы адбылося паўстанне Касцюшкі, трэці падзел Рэчы паспалітай і адыход сучасных беларускіх земляў да Расійскай Імперыі.
… (more)
belpalichka | Jan 3, 2024 |
Like watching a car-crash in slow motion . . . but knowing the outcome before it even begins. Written in 'real time': 1933--Hitler's ascension to power and the corresponding impact on Germans, be they Jewish or Christian.
booksinbed | 13 other reviews | Sep 19, 2023 |



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