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Phyllis Gunderson

Author of The Jaguar Prophecies

5 Works 39 Members 5 Reviews

About the Author

Phyllis Gunderson lives in Provo, Utah, and has served three missions as a senior missionary -- two years at an LDS Employment Center, one year as a part-time volunteer with Church magazines, and twenty-two months teaching English in Thailand. She has a master's degree in TESL, a master's minor in show more Ancient Scriptures, an undergraduate degree in Communications and a minor in Anthropology. Eight children and twenty-eight grandchildren call her "Mom" and "Grandma" show less

Works by Phyllis Gunderson

The Jaguar Prophecies (2010) 21 copies, 4 reviews
Wrinkled Missionaries (2003) 5 copies, 1 review
The Mounds Anomaly (2013) 5 copies


Common Knowledge



A delightful, short, little book that covers a lot of territory in a few pages.

Senior missionaries are needed, valuable, and there is enough flexibility to accommodate their aging bodies.

The chapters have delightfully intriguing titles:

1. Wrinkled Missionaries
2. The $500 Fulfillment
3. Laughing in Every Language
4. The Toilet Testament
5. We Loved Our Companions. We Hated Our Companions
6. The Couple in the Cubicle
7. And Should We Die ...
8. The Seven Miracles of a Single Sister
9. Call of the Wild
10. Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
11. The Myth of the Empty Nest
12. Lengthen Your Shuffle
13. Just Farm Folks
14. Get Thee Behind Me ...
15. Romancing the E-mail
16. The Guarantees
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bread2u | Jul 1, 2020 |
The Jaguar Prophecies by Phyllis Gunderson tells a story about Dr. Matt Howard who is charged with a very important job, warning "her people" of the world's upcoming changes. She is faced with challenges from herself, her personal life and the outside world.

Overall I really enjoyed this book. At first look the topic might seem loaded, hard to understand, or even boring but it's surprisingly face paced and gripping. While some things of the science nature might go over some people's head, it does not take away from the story. I enjoyed the amount of research put into this book and really liked the fact that I could search the internet and find more information about it. For those who think this book might be a one-note "doom and gloom" story I can assure you it's not. The character's developments throughout the story has a "natural reaction" feel to the things she is faced with and slowly finds out. Overall I would recommend this book to other interested in the subject.

In compliance with FTC guidelines, I won this book through the First-reads program on Goodreads
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Shadowrose96 | 3 other reviews | Jul 17, 2011 |
This was a really interesting and fascinating story. The author used this novel to bring together the warning of astronomers, Hopi prophets, geologists, etc to explain why 2010 is the end date of ancient Mayan and I Ching Chinese calenders. The main character, Matt Howard was a very likeable character. Her sarcastic humor left me grinning through out the story. She travels to the Yucatan Peninsula where she receives a Jaguar tattoo. From this point on, Matt is marked and has become the chosen one to warn the world of the coming catastrophies. Along the way she befriends a fellow professor and they work to find a way to inform people without inciting fear. Also in the book, is friction between Matt and her Chinese adopted daughter. Although I did not understand a lot of the astrological information, I still found the story full of suspense and interesting prophecies from ancient cultures.… (more)
melaniehope | 3 other reviews | Mar 1, 2011 |
This was an amazing book. First of all, it was refreshing to read a book written by a contemporary author who can use proper grammar and has a strong vocabulary. Writing style excluded, even if you do not believe the whole 2012 thing, The Jaguar Prophecies gives you a lot of extremely interesting information - with a bibliography to support it. The plot is great and keeps moving while being incorporated with information from anthropology, mythology, astronomy, and geology. It is a great read for any type of reader.
I received the book through the Goodreads First Look program.
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SusieBookworm | 3 other reviews | Sep 12, 2010 |



½ 3.6