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6 Works 340 Members 2 Reviews

About the Author

Pete Hegseth is the cohost of Fox Friends Weekend, Americas #1-rated cable morning television show, and provides commentary across all Fox News and Fox Business programming. Hegseth is also the author of the New York Times bestseller American Crusade and In the Arena. He is a combat veteran who show more served in Afghanistan, Iraq, and at Guantanamo Bay. He still serves as a major in the Army National Guard. Hegseth is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. He and his wife, Jennifer, have seven kids-future modern warriors among them. show less

Works by Pete Hegseth


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15 stories from our military personnel that returned home from war. Each servicemen (& woman) tell their short story about the most important of what was experienced and learned in the battles they fought in along with education, medals, and after discharge life. Engaging and thought provoking and kudos to our nation's heroes.
LaneyLegz | Jul 29, 2023 |
Although I agree with portions of this book, I found it a bit rambling and not as systematic as I would prefer when reading. There is much that I admire about Classical Education, but I wouldn't view it as a one-size-fits-all panacea for our current educational ills. I certainly don't agree with his suggestion at the end of the book to push for federal funding of alternative educational systems; not without a lot of caveats and qualifications at least. In general, federal money always comes with federal control eventually. Neither do I concur with replicating the educational pipeline and accreditation system now in existence.

Overall, I had the sense of the author grasping at a new shiny object he recently found out about - in this case - his Classical Christian Education - as the ultimate salve - for what he views as the defects in the public educational system. In contrast, I do agree with the larger points made about how world-view and, especially, how we view human nature, radically determines how we view education and the end goal of education.

At the end of the day I prefer letting parents decide what is best for their children; and that children - even within a family - are different and may have different needs and be in need of different educational methods. Classical Education should be considered, but not as a one-size-fits-all as a replacement whole cloth for the public education system.
… (more)
MusicforMovies | Jul 7, 2022 |

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