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Daka Hermon

Author of Hide and Seeker

3+ Works 201 Members 5 Reviews

Works by Daka Hermon

Hide and Seeker (2020) 164 copies, 4 reviews
Nightmare King (2023) 32 copies, 1 review

Associated Works

The Black Girl Survives in This One: Horror Stories (2024) — Contributor — 41 copies, 1 review


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This was fine. The story took a while to get going and Shane was annoying. He has supportive friends and family yet insists on not letting them help him. It was aggravating for most of the book. I really liked the first book in this sort of series. You don't need to have read that one to fully understand this book, but the previous book (Hide and Seeker) will be spoiled if you read this one first. Overall, I was disappointed with this book, but I am planning on reading the next book and tempering my expectations when I do read it.… (more)
LynnMPK | Oct 19, 2023 |
This was actually pretty creepy for a middle grade book. It had an urban legend feel to it, and I could see it seriously scaring certain kids. Hell, it scared me a bit and I'm a grown ass woman. There's just something about taking an innocuous thing, like a children's game, and turning it sinister that creeps me out a bit. I look forward to reading more from this author.
LynnMPK | 3 other reviews | Jun 28, 2023 |
Booktalk: What are your greatest fears? Spiders? Rats? Snakes? Needles? Death?

Whatever your fears the Seeker is looking for you. The Seeker is a terrifying monster that becomes more powerful by feeding on kids’ fears. And it does it by making kids disappear. Justin’s best friend Zee disappeared for a year and when he was found, he came back all wrong. He has scars and scratches all over his arms, his eyes are wild, and he keeps chanting weird rhymes like this: “Out of the darkness, no more light, now it comes to steal your life….Once you’re tagged, then you’ll know. The mark appears, it’s your time to go.”

Justin is scared of what’s happened to his friend but now he’s even more scared. Five more of his friends have disappeared, and now…the mark has appeared on his arm and Justin knows he is next.
… (more)
Salsabrarian | 3 other reviews | Oct 8, 2022 |
This novel is a 2022 Lone Star selection. it's creepy, which all of my students know is a type of book that I don't like. I don't like to avoid reading a book at night. I don't like to have nightmares, which I frequently do! Therefore, this is a novel I avoided at night yet still dreamed about.

Justin's good friend Zee went missing a year ago within days of Justin's mom death. Zee's back. Sort of? Upon entering the house to see Zee, Justin finds a messy and abused home. Zee's mother never kept house like this! Lyric has already been by to check on the family, so Justin feels badly that he's waited for the coming home party. As the day unfolds, Justin experiences more and more anxiety that has plagued him since the death of his mother. Within the last year, Justin and his sister have struggled to survive financially and emotionally. Can they even stay in their home? They're behind on most of the bills. Now Justin finds himself excited that Zee is home but stressed because Zee starts babbling strange things that don't make sense. Strangest, most awkward party ever. Despite his anxiety, all of the friends rely on Justin to know what to do when things go south. They decide to play hide 'n' seek. They cheat. Now, consequently, they are playing the Seeker. He/It takes children who cheat on hide 'n' seek and they never return. Which begs the question--how did Zee get back?

Justin, Nia, Lyric, Quincy, and Carla all play the game and all get marked, thus knowing they will also disappear. They research and discover what is really happening to kids who cheat while playing the game. They discover they can take whatever they have with them to the other realm, so they plan. They hope if they take enough stuff with them, something will be useful to save them. The marking occurs when a number appears on their arms and shortly thereafter, each one disappears. When they enter the world of the seeker, they can still see the "real" world. They discover a world where pain and disfigurement resides. They find kids who have been in this world for decades, experiencing pain every time the Seeker chooses. The kids swear to save everyone.

For those of you who enjoy creepy stories, here you go! I liked Justin--he struggled with so much on his shoulders that caused panic attacks, yet he refuses to be a victim. Everyone relies on him, which also creates stress, but they are right. He figures puzzles out and knows what to do next even though he doubts himself. This novel about friendship and believing in oneself and one another will creep you out but will also make you want to be a better friend.
… (more)
acargile | 3 other reviews | Apr 3, 2022 |




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