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Lorena Hughes

Author of The Spanish Daughter

3 Works 330 Members 16 Reviews

Works by Lorena Hughes

The Spanish Daughter (2021) 252 copies, 14 reviews
The Sisters of Alameda Street (2017) 48 copies, 1 review
The Queen of the Valley (2023) 30 copies, 1 review


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In a Nutshell: It was good, not great. I have pretty much mixed feelings about every aspect of this book. So you may or may not read it depending on your reading preferences. Read on to know more.

Ecuador, 1920. Puri--short for Maria Purificacion deLafont--and her husband Cristóbal are on their way by ship from their native Spain to Ecuador, in response to a letter received from her lately-deceased father's lawyer, asking her to come and claim her inheritance. (Oh my! What a complex sentence!) But aboard the ship, someone attempts to murder her. When Cristóbal comes to her rescue, both the assailant and he end up dead and Puri is unexpectedly left a widow in the middle of nowhere. To safeguard herself from future attacks and from being a woman travelling alone in a new country, she takes over her husband's identity and disembarks the ship as Cristóbal. Can she find out the truth of who wants her dead?
The story is narrated in the first person perspectives of Puri, and her step sisters Anjelica and Catalina. The latter two perspectives begin a few years in the past, slowly making their way to the present timeline of 1920.

Pro: The book is a combination of multiple genres - historical fiction, mystery and family drama
Con: It works very well as a family drama, partially as a historical fiction, and not at all as a mystery.

Pro: The female mc dressed as a man for most of the story provides an entertaining historical insight. Some of her experiences are quite well written.
Con: There are way too many lines dedicated to comparisons between men and woman. Puri has constant refrains on things that men have easy, things that they have tough, and the same comparisons for women. It starts off well but soon becomes repetitive and irksome.

Pro: Puri seems like a strong and intelligent woman who wants to be independent in a day and age where women were expected to be puppets at the hands of their husbands. She makes an impactful mc in this regard.
Con: Her character isn’t sketched in a way that makes you connect with her realistically. For instance, her father is supposed to have abandoned her mother when she was just two. He settled in a new country and had a new family. Thereafter his correspondence with her was through sporadic letters. Yet, she feels only loyalty towards him rather than anger. Her feelings for Cristóbal keep shifting throughout the story.

Pro: A great part of the story deals with finding out who the mysterious assailant is. There are enough characters on whom the author throws a shadow of doubt, thereby attempting to give your brain cells a lot to chew upon.
Con: I could easily guess who the culprit was, once they appeared in the storyline. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ There were a few surprise twists but nothing quite astounding.

Pro: Having been written in first person voices of three female characters, the story has a lot of emotional pondering and secretive actions. To a certain extent, this enhances the mystery.
Con: A tiny part of me feels that the book might have worked better in third person narrative because none of the leading ladies were likeable (at least for me). They sounded really whiny at times. And none of the characters, main or secondary, were captivating enough to hold my interest beyond a certain level.

Pro: The biggest appeal of this book lies in the fact that a woman in 1920 Ecuador dressed up as a man to detect her potential killer. So it doesn’t fall into your typical historical fiction mould.
Con: The whole idea seems unrealistic on many levels. How did Puri disembark without the captain or any passenger even realising that she was dressed as the dead passenger? There’s a line saying that she gave away her gowns to other passengers. Didn’t anyone question why? Wherever there is doubt of how she passed off as a man, there’s content to show you that she was exceptionally tall for her gender or that she had a deep voice. But towards the latter half when she reveals her identity, her face is said to be delicate. She is said to have stolen the beard from a performing troupe on board and wears Cristóbal’s glasses to further add a layer of camouflage. How the heck did she see properly with those glasses? It was just farfetched and too convenient. Even beyond Puri’s disguise, there are many elements that don’t make sense. For instance, why would a woman of the 1920s tell her dead stepsister’s husband (whom she knows for just a few days) of how she lost her virginity? Didn’t she have any other shoulders to cry upon?

Pro: The historical aspects of a cacao plantation and chocolate making are excellently written.
Con: No con here. This is the best part of the book, though it makes just a brief appearance in the story.

Overall, I think I expected a lot, especially considering that this is an #OwnVoices book. So if you reduce your expectations and proceed without using your inner logical detective too much, you might just enjoy it more than I did. Just focus more on the history than on the mystery, and you ought to like it reasonably well.

I heard the audiobook, clocking at 9 hrs 45 minutes and narrated by Frankie Corzo. The narration was quite nice and her rendering of the Spanish words made me feel like she really knew her Spanish. (I have no idea if she was pronouncing them right because I don’t know Spanish.
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RoshReviews | 13 other reviews | Jul 30, 2024 |
The Spanish Daughter is a historical mystery set in 1920s Ecuador by Ecuadorian author Lorena Hughes. The main character is Maria Purificacion deLafont or Puri, who sells her chocolate shop in Seville, Spain to move to Vinces, Ecuador with her husband Cristóbal de Balboa when she learns her father has left her a cacao plantation there. On the voyage she is attacked by a mysterious stranger and her husband is killed in the struggle. Fearing for her life, Puri decides to masquerade as her husband and try to uncover who was responsible for the attempt on her life.

When she arrives at the plantation she discovers her father Don Armand, who had left Spain many years before, has left her with three half siblings. The beautiful Angélica is very resentful of her Spanish sister and her large inheritance. Catalina is still unmarried and the locals revere her as a saint. Alberto, the brother, is becoming a priest. Lastly there is the handsome Marin Sabater who runs the plantation. The story is full of intrigue and buried secrets, and draws you into both the mystery and life on a plantation during the cacao boom in the Guayas Basin of Ecuador. I enjoyed the story and the audio narration by Frankie Corzo and would be happy to read another of Lorena’s books.
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mimbza | 13 other reviews | Apr 22, 2024 |

Set in 1920s Ecuador, The Spanish Daughter by Lorena Hughes revolves around twenty-eight year old chocolatier Maria Purificacion de Lafont y Toledo (Puri) ,daughter of a French father and Spanish mother, who runs her own chocolate shop in Seville, Spain with her aspiring writer husband, Cristobal.

After the demise of her estranged father who abandoned her and her mother twenty-five years ago she inherits a large share of his cacau plantation in Vinces, Ecuador. En route to Ecuador, an attempt on her life results in the death of her husband whose body goes overboard along with their assailant. Sensing that her attack is linked to her inheritance she impersonates her late husband and informs her half-siblings, whose existence she was unaware of before reaching Ecuador that “Puri” passed away on the journey due to illness, while she tries to unmask the identity of the person who plotted the attempt on her life and murdered her husband. As the story progresses and we get to know more about the siblings-their pasts, their complicated personal relationships and how they truly feel about one another, long buried family secrets and deceptions are exposed . For Puri , keeping her true identity a secret becomes increasingly difficult as she tries to determine who she can actually trust and what she needs to do stay safe.

For the most part, the narrative is carried by Puri with some segments in the voices of her half-sisters Angelica and Catalina. In Puri the author creates an intelligent and brave woman who is
ahead of her time. While impersonating her husband she experiences first-hand how societal norms and expectations set for men and women are tilted largely in favor of men. Her experiences and interpretations of the same make for some very interesting and entertaining reading.

With the vivid backdrop of the cacao boom in the Guayas Basin of Ecuador, The Spanish Daughter is a very engaging work of historical fiction with an element of suspense that keeps you hooked till the very end. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this novel and finished it in a day.

Thanks to Goodreads, the author and Kensington Books for the Advance Reader’s Edition.
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srms.reads | 13 other reviews | Sep 4, 2023 |

Set in Columbia in 1925, during the Cali earthquake, the narrative of The Queen of Valley follows Maria Purificacion “Puri” de Lafont y Toledo as she travels to Colombia in search of Martin Sabater, with whom she shared history and who was her cacao supplier for her chocolate business. Martin owned his own cacao plantation and was in contact with Puri until recently. Martin’s most recent correspondence has Puri concerned for his wellbeing and when she arrives at his hacienda in the aftermath of an earthquake, barely escaping being attacked by miscreants on the way, she comes to know that Martin disappeared on the night of a fundraising gala held at his residence three months ago and is presumed dead. Puri, posing as a nun, finds a position helping take care of patients amid a cholera outbreak while she searches for clues that could lead her to the truth behind Martin’s disappearance. His hacienda has been converted into a hospital run by his childhood friend Dr. Farid Manzur, whose sister Sor Camila, a nun, is working as a nurse in the hospital. Another childhood friend of Martin’s, photographer Lucas Ferreira is also present on the premises, curious about what happened to Martin and on a personal quest for answers to questions about his own family history. The narrative follows Lucas, Puri and Camila as they try to make sense of what happened to Martin.

I really enjoyed The Spanish Daughter by Lorena Hughes and was eager to meet Puri and Martin once again and see how their story continued. The Queen of the Valley by Lorena Hughes Is a well-written novel. I enjoyed the setting and the suspenseful vibe. Combining elements of historical fiction with family drama and an intricately plotted mystery set amid the Cali earthquake of 1925, I found this to be an engrossing read. Presented from the perspectives of Lucas, Puri and Camila, the author deftly weaves past and present timelines into a well-rounded narrative. The pacing is a tad uneven but not so much that messes with the flow of the story., The mystery behind Martin’s disappearance was well crafted but with so many subplots and storylines in the mix, I thought the narrative got a tad convoluted which did detract from the overall reading experience and left me with some questions at the end. Overall, while I enjoyed the story, I did not find it as compelling as The Spanish Daughter.

Though this novel can be read as a standalone, I would recommend reading The Spanish Daughter before picking this one up to fully appreciate Puri and Martin’s backstory.

Many thanks to Kensington Books and NetGalley for the digital review copy of this novel. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.
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srms.reads | Sep 4, 2023 |

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