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V. C. Lancaster

Author of Ruth's Bonded

20 Works 123 Members 5 Reviews


Works by V. C. Lancaster

Ruth's Bonded (2015) 30 copies
Gron's Fated (2015) 20 copies
The ET Guy (2016) 12 copies
UnBonded (2016) 11 copies, 1 review
Krol's Goddess (2018) 10 copies, 1 review
Ruth's Baby (2017) 9 copies
The Security Guy (2018) 6 copies, 1 review
The New Guy (2017) 6 copies
The Guy Next Door (2018) 4 copies, 1 review
Killer (2019) 3 copies


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Liked this one. These books are very different than most captured by aliens offerings. The Earth heroines and the alien men cannot communicate and so are almost completely in the dark dealing with each other. The two male leads felt pretty true to how they had been written in the previous books but since there was POV in their characters, they were much more appealing and you felt for both of them. I did like Kranu better though. He was so arrogant etc., that learning to like him was more satisfying.

I hope there are more books to come. I do think that the chicks ought to try to develop some sort of sign language with the aliens though even if they can't get to complex thoughts.
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Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
Lovely sci fi romance. The guys are not real alien here but enough to hold the story together. A little bit of angst some good chemistry a bit of cultural misunderstanding. It's all good.
Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
Fun addition to the series. I loved that finally here was a girl abducted by aliens who could make her way in the new world. She was a girl scout leader who was resourceful and able to take care of herself for the most part in this alien landscape. She and Krol were a good match. They were allies in survival long before they entered a relationship. I love the way this author keeps the aliens so alien. I sometimes wonder why they don't develop some sort of sign language but I think it's just that their thought processes are so different that they have no basis to start from.… (more)
Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
I put off reading this one because they were both aliens and I prefer it when one is a human. So glad I finally read it. The hero was a surly ass in a previous book but the author did a really good job with his motivations and all here. I love a complicated imperfect hero and he was wonderfully imperfect. But deep down he was a good guy. The hero and the heroine both had problems stemming from their lives on the old planet. They both grew and changed although the hero especially didn't become perfect. He still had problems but he was getting them under control by the end. The heroine was wonderful and sweet. She just stood by him no matter what. She about broke my heart when she asked him please not to test her any more wasn't she good enough yet.

I love this series and I hope there are plenty more books to come.
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Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |



½ 3.6

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