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13 Works 980 Members 6 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Sean Michael Lucas (Ph.D., Westminster Theological Seminary) is senior minister at the First Presbyterian Church in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and associate professor of church history at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi.

Works by Sean Michael Lucas


Common Knowledge




Pastor and seminary professor Sean Michael Lucas suggests that being Presbyterian means embracing distinctive beliefs, practices, and stories as one’s own. As new members, church officers, and potential Presbyterians read about beliefs, practices, and stories, they will understand and move to embrace this way of being Christian. Written in a nontechnical style, On Being Presbyterian is a unique resource for equipping believers and introducing them to Presbyterian church practice.
wpcalibrary | 2 other reviews | Jun 13, 2023 |
In the past I was put off by this book's silly cover art, which is a shame because I found the content excellent and helpful. It's particularly geared toward those who are coming into a Presbyterian church from a more baptistic/non-denominational setting, and it makes a positive, non-triumphalistic case for (primarily PCA) Presbyterian identity in an age that sees little use for denominations. It's divided into sections on doctrine (sovereignty, grace, covenant, ecclesiology, sacraments), practice (piety, worship, governance), and "stories" that frame and give shape to the previous two areas--in other words, history. Unsurprisingly coming from Sean Lucas, this last section is top-notch, particularly on the American stuff. It admittedly confirms my bias that historians often make some of the most clear-eyed pastors. :)

On the whole, it's a learned, pastoral, and wonderfully accessible book.
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LudieGrace | 2 other reviews | Dec 4, 2013 |
Professor and Pastor Sean Michael Lucas has written a book on Jonathan Edwards' theology vision. Considering the vast amount of information available and the size of this work I think the author did justice too his subject. Though one may need too read this work more than once to gain full insight into New England’s' theologists material as this is written more like an abstract than a book for the general public. I have objections with various aspects of Edwards interpretations but the book is worth reading and study though I disagree with many of Edwards conclusions.

A comprehensive outline of Jonathan Edwards thoughts and works during the Great Awakening in New England makes this book part of Americas, and especially New England’s, history. A theology and church that Edward’s grandfather tried too make more inclusive Edward made it more exclusive with his interpretations of purity of church that he put into practice. The author give us a clear insight into Edward’s model of how too combine his theological beliefs with his pastoral practice. The quotes from Edwards sermons and diary’s place his theology into proper context.

A clear look at the subjects view too purify his church in his time with rejection of other denominations and Christian groups. This shows his thoughts both light and dark with no glossing over. And for that I give the author credit. This combined and condense work is worth a read too understand the climate of New England at that time and the forces at work during what leads up to a very important time in Americas history.
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hermit | Nov 13, 2012 |
Very well done intorducton to Presbyterian Church. Intorduces the presbyterian doctrineand theology, church polity or government and church history and those who have influenced presbyterianism. It is taken form the stance, which is a logical one, that many of todays presbyterians came form a different background. This work allows those new to this reformed denomination to see those areas that are similar to their past chrches and those areas that are different and why they are different. This is a very good work to be supplied to those who are taking membership classes. This is the second book I have read by Sean Lucas, and I hope I get to read more.… (more)
morryb | 2 other reviews | Nov 30, 2008 |

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