Author picture

C.P. Mandara

Author of The Riding School

37+ Works 163 Members 38 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: C. P. Mandara


Works by C.P. Mandara

The Riding School (2013) 31 copies, 5 reviews
Learning the Ropes (2013) 11 copies, 4 reviews
Named and Shamed (2014) 11 copies
Beautiful Tears (2019) 7 copies, 1 review
A Rough Ride (2014) 6 copies, 3 reviews
Smoke (Special Agent BDSM, #2) (2018) 6 copies, 4 reviews
The Velvet Caress (2018) 4 copies, 1 review
Hot to Trot (2013) 4 copies
Flames (Special Agent BDSM, #3) 4 copies, 3 reviews
Good As Dead (Dying To Meet You #1) (2016) 3 copies, 1 review

Associated Works


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Mandara, C.P.
Other names
Mandara, Christina
Short biography
Christina Mandara is a USA TODAY bestselling author and tends to write dark romance with lashings of kinky naughtiness. Her favourite pastime is travelling, and if it involves sun, sea and . . . sand then it's all good.

In her spare time she's usually cuddled up with a good book, exploring the countryside or baking in the kitchen. In fact, she loves her kitchen so much she's one of few woman who wouldn't mind being tied to it! Her first and foremost love is writing, however, and more often than not you'll find her on a laptop spinning tales of romance, erotica or dark, paranormal fantasies.

She's a big fan of BDSM in all its glorious forms, and her favourite item in the toy closet (a box simply isn't big enough) is her riding crop.



3.75 stars

This is the first in a series and my first introduction to this author. There were many aspects of this story that I liked such as the cat and mouse mental game that is going on between the main characters. However, there is somewhat of a disconnect for me between them at the same time. I want to understand more and am hoping that it comes in the future books. I hope more of the reasons why and the backstory comes out as well. Especially, Lois because there is just something there that I want to uncover.

That being said, the story still piqued my interest and I will continue on even more to find out what she is up against and the reasons why.

I read this as part of A Taste of Submission boxset.
… (more)
MagicalRi | 5 other reviews | Jul 31, 2024 |
4 stars

I'm caught in the middle in regards to this book. In one aspect, I'm frustrated because I'm just not understanding the motivation behind everything. Yet, the writing is compelling enough that I NEED to know what happens next because I want to understand.

Who is the good guy and who is the bad guy? I guess I need to keep reading to find out.
MagicalRi | 3 other reviews | Jul 31, 2024 |
3.5 stars.

I liked most of it. But there are some problems.
There are a few editing errors, but not many and they don't really effect the story or the pace at all.
What did slow the story down is repetitive inner thoughts from Lois. That repetition is what caused the low stars for me.

The other problem is where the story ends. It is a Cliffhanger and apparently this continues throughout all 6 books in this series. I'm not fond of cliffhangers & definitely not one that continues through 6 books. BUT, this series has a unique premise and I am very curious as to how everything plays out.

Secret Agent Spies Trained in BDSM? How can you NOT be Intrigued!

The steamy parts truly are erotic & steamy. I liked both Lois and James' characters.
There is a lot of Lois revealed in this book but just a sprinkling of James.

Even though I think it could have been a much faster paced story with the repetition taken out, I am so CURIOUS as to what will happen next that I will continue the series.
I'm hoping the next one will be faster paced with less repetition.

… (more)
bodebeabay | 5 other reviews | Sep 25, 2022 |
Finished Reading October 7, 2021

3 stars
2nd book I've read in this series.
It's okay but definitely has some issues in the writing which affects the flow.
Even the so called steamy scenes are a bit off for me.

October 2, 2021 Author & ZL
bodebeabay | 3 other reviews | Sep 25, 2022 |

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