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Works by Katy Manz


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3.25 stars

ARC Provided by GRR. this is my honest and voluntary review

A short, sweet story that was an easy read but I think I would have liked it fleshed out a bit more in places.

This was an interesting concept. What happens if you have already chosen a mate and spent years together and then fate introduces you to your fated mate? Do you give up your chosen mate or walk away from your fated mate? I liked the way the author handled this, with the guys all being attracted to each other. The triad made sense to me. I also liked that they communicated and talked through the problems even working out issues before they arose. But I think I would have liked it to be more fleshed out here, because even if you communicate not everything is bed of roses and there should have been some teething pains here as they merged their lives together. Even the children were all happy go lucky and never had a major meltdown.

So yes while it was enjoyable and easy, it was just a little bit too sweet for me and needed that little bit of angst to it
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Rellyh | Sep 22, 2024 |
Light My Fire by Katy Manz - If you like your stories sweet and simple, this might be the story for you. If you prefer a well-developed plot with interesting conflicts and engaging characters - not so much.
For a story that started with a family clan under a three-pronged attack and things exploding, it quickly became a non-issue.
Even the characterization is too over-the-top sweet. Someone is thrown out of their family and just drops everything, and it is all good? The father who threw his son out is described as a “good man”? A “good ma.n” does not throw his son out of the family because of a career choice - a stupid one - a selfish one - a controlling one - a cruel one does, but not a good one.
The plot has potential but it is never developed. Everything falls smoothly into place, and any conflict is quickly over. I have to admit that about 1/3 of the way through I started skim reading
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DragonJude | Apr 29, 2023 |

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