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Sarah McGuire

Author of Valiant

3 Works 131 Members 17 Reviews

Works by Sarah McGuire

Valiant (2015) 109 copies, 13 reviews
The Flight of Swans (2018) 21 copies, 4 reviews


Common Knowledge



Independent Reading Level: Ages 9-14
Awards: Capitol Choices (2019)
New York Public Library Best Books for Kids (2018)
LelandWarnack | 3 other reviews | Apr 3, 2024 |
Note: I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.
fernandie | 12 other reviews | Sep 15, 2022 |
I don't think I'm a fan of re-tellings so closely resembling the source. This author failed to draw me away and into the world of the book.

I think one of the main problems I had with the book was the lack of belief. I mean, if giants exist it's only fair to assume that other stories might be true too.

Also, I don't think I was in the mood for an actual fairytale (though I did like it more than the original story).

While not a waste of time, I cannot in good faith get fully behind the book. I'm unsure of the reason for why it gained so many raving reviews. After all, it was hardly as spectacular as I was led to believe it would be.

FINAL VERDICT : Try it, but reel in your expectations beforehand
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QuirkyCat_13 | 12 other reviews | Jun 20, 2022 |
I didn't want this book to end. Which is, honestly, not a typical experience for me. Even with books I love, I can't help looking to the final unspooling of the story, to the moment when the author has given me everything she has to share, and I can push the covers closed with a deep sigh of satisfaction.

But this. I wanted that final moment, that contented sigh...but I also wanted to stay in the book forever. For one thing, The Flight of Swans is an incredibly immersive retelling, clever in its reworking of the fairy tale elements and deliciously thorough in its worldbuilding and characterization. But I don't think that's why I didn't want to leave its pages: that honor goes to Andaryn. And her family.

Andaryn is a remarkably brave heroine, but her bravery expresses itself in a marathon of endurance. For six years, she pushes herself through terror and hardship and loneliness and grief, and while she has help from time to time, over and over again, she turns to herself and rediscovers or rekindles her strength, her courage, and her will to continue. Being inside her mind was like being inside my own, silent and fierce, as I followed through on every dream, persisted through every fear, endured every pain...and triumphed. Her strength became my strength.

...And her family became my family. All their love for one another, the way they tease and protect each other, wrapped around me and welcomed me in. I'm very lucky: I have a family like that. And I know how important that feeling is, especially when life is frightening or lonely or sad. So even as I struggled alongside Andaryn in her exile, I reveled in the love and support of her brothers and rejoiced in the way she gave that love and support back to them.

Is it any wonder I didn't want to leave the book? To forego Andaryn's strength and relinquish her brothers' affection and warmth? I know I have strength and family of my own to turn to...and I'm very glad to have finished the book and breathed my happy satisfaction at its end...but I also know I'll be returning to this book whenever I need a reminder of the depth of my endurance or the power of my family's potential.
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slimikin | 3 other reviews | Mar 27, 2022 |





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