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29+ Works 113 Members 11 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the name: Gracie McKeever


Works by Gracie C. McKeever

Beneath the Surface (2006) 9 copies, 1 review
Terms of Surrender (2006) 7 copies, 1 review
Spells Cast in Shadows (2007) 6 copies, 1 review
Dancing in the Dark (2001) 5 copies
Between Darkness and Daylight (2007) 5 copies, 2 reviews
Zara's Bois 2: Ingenue's Choice (2007) 5 copies, 3 reviews
Bouncer's Folly [Zara's Bois 3] (2008) 4 copies, 1 review
Desert Dreams (2001) 4 copies
Emilia's Emancipation (2008) 4 copies

Associated Works

Sensuality: Caramel Flava II (2009) — Contributor — 28 copies
Once Upon a Time: Fairy Tale Collection (7-in-1) (2008) — Contributor — 3 copies


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
McKeever, Gracie C.



OH WOW! TALK ABOUT A RIVETING STORY!! I have never read this author before, and I loved Nova and Zane's story so much that they seemed real to me! I admired Nova's determination to fly across the country, put her engagement on hold to find the man that haunted her visions, but in New York? I loved that Zane took his responsibilities seriously as he counselled troubled students, but he felt too much when he failed them.
HOTCHA | 1 other review | Mar 19, 2023 |
I liked this story about two wounded men who need to find their soul mates and get help from a guardian angel in training (Zara).

Patryk has been badly abused by a previous boyfriend, lives a life determined by his parents and is in desperate need of love. Keir is a bartender whose boyfriend killed himself three years ago because he thought Keir was unfaithful. Both men have (obvious) issues with trust. When they meet, the spark of lust between them is strong enough to ant to get to know each other. The barriers to a real relationship, especially since Patryk is a sexual submissive who's afraid of being used again, are tremendous.

The development of trust between the two takes place on many levels. I liked the way each man's background is revealed bit by bit, as they get to know each other and I got to know them by reading this story.
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SerenaYates | 2 other reviews | Oct 14, 2017 |
Zack and the Dark Shaft (Zara's Bois 1) by Gracie C. McKeever

Please don't make me comment on the title...

Zara is a spoilt white wasp brat. She is selfish and childish. But she has to have something good in her, cause Quincy, a black businessman of success, considers her his bestfriend. And so Zara asks Quincy a financial help when she wants to open an exclusive gay club. Yes cause, even if Zara is deeply in love with Quincy, Quincy is gay and has no idea to be involved with Zara in something more than friendship.

Then Zara is killed in a casual accident, she falls in a lift dark shaft (yes this is the real "dark shaft" of the story...) and she reawakens in a Limbo with two angels who give her a chance: two weeks on earth to fullfill her desire to be with Quincy. And to realize her desire she has the opportunity to share the body of her twin brother, Zack (what a convenient chance, in this way she will have also the necessary "equipment" to draw Quincy...)

Quincy is a very good friend with Zara. So good that, when he met Zara's twin, Zack, and he was immediately attracted by the cute man, he has rejected his feelings knowing that Zara was in love with him. But now Zara is dead, and he has no intention to let Zack go away.

Suddenly Zack is very "open" and "friendly" with Quincy. And Quincy accepts this unexpected gift; but then Zack begins to fade in front of his eyes: weight loss, restless sleeping... Maybe Zara has no intention to leave Zack's body after two weeks?

The story is good and original, but I have the feeling that Gracie McKeever has closed it too soon. The first part is very well plotted, but the end is a blurr of scenes... maybe this is due to the fact that this is the first book in a series and we will have the chance to read more in the next enstallments.

Ingenue's Choice (Zara's Bois 2) by Gracie C. McKeever

Second in the Zara's Bois series, where a soon-to-be angel, who was a very spoilt and selfish woman in life, has to play the role of matchmaker for human soulmates (mostrly men) who haven't found yet the way to met.

This time is mission is to help Patryk, a wasp fair good boy, a bit workaholic, to find his happily ever after with Keir, a former painter, now bartender, who happens to be also a very hot African American guy with a tendency for D/S play.

Patryk is out from an abusive relationship with a lover who has misjudged Patryk's need for domination as weakness. Now Patryk has some problem issue to trust again a man, but Zara is ready to push him a little toward Keir. Keir has lost his iper jealous lover in an accident soon after their last quarrel. Still hanted by remorse, he has given up his art. But when he meets Patryk, inspiration blossoms in his heart together with love.

But there are some problems to overcome, like their different social environment, and Keir's fear to be again the only one for a man.

The story is prettry simple and smooth, with not much drama. It flows quite till the end. Very pretty the scene of the first date between Keir and Patryk.

Bouncer's Folly (Zara's Bois 3) by Gracie C. McKeever

Of the three on the Zara's Bois series I read, this one is maybe my favourite.

Zara has been a good girl in her last mission, and so her angels want to reward her: she will return on Earth, her soul in the body of another lost soul who left too soon. What they didn't say to Zara is that her new body is a male one, and when Zara reawakens in the arms of sexy bouncer Ramsey, also another part of Zara's body awakens, a part she isn't used to have!

But Zara is a girl of many means, and she plays all the better she can with what she have. And the fact that Ramsey is very attracted by Trevor, the twinkie in which body Zara is now, is a plus: Zara will finally have the man she is attracted, since this time she has the right body! Only that Trevor was a drugs addicted and his old friends are not all willing to leave him alone. And then there is also the problem of Travis, Trevor's twin, that understands since the first time they meet, that the soul inside Trevor's body is not his brother's one.

I like how the author manages Zara's transition from woman to man: since she awakens, Zara thinks and acts like a woman, but the first time she has sex with Ramsey, and she fully understand the difference between a woman and a man (with a first hand experience), she stops to be an "her" to become an "him".

I think this is the last in the series, unless the author wants to tell the story also of Travis (who is straight for now) and Trevor (who has the "little" problem to not having a material body in this moment...). All the story till now were a bit short, this one is less than 80 pages, but pretty original.
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elisa.rolle | Feb 25, 2010 |
An admirer of fine art but without artistic ability himself, Patryk Andrews works by day in a high finance position that his well-to-do father had more than a little hand in getting him. Gay and liberal, Patryk knows he's a big disappointment to his parents, but thrives in a job that leaves him more spiritually and emotionally empty than his last abusive and dysfunctional relationship.

A gifted painter from an affectionate, supportive clan of parents and three younger brothers whom he predictably ruled, Keir Monroe is an artist who has lost his way after the death of his lover three years previous. A chance encounter with Patryk sparks Keir's creative spirit, however, and more than a little lust.

But what starts off as a whirlwind physical obsession soon turns into more than either Keir or Patryk ever bargained for when both are faced with demons from their pasts...

Ingenue’s Choice by Gracie C. McKeever is the second book in the Zara’s Bois series. Again Zara is send down to earth to play matchmaker. But this time getting her two new charges together appears to be a lot harder than the first time, as Patryk and Keir seem to be a very unlikely match. Again I loved to read how Zara manages to conquer this challenge in her own unique style, witty and humorous banter included. The developing romance between Patryk and Keir is very sweet and was a pleasure to read about. The sex in this book is scorching hot and there is some mild BDSM, too.

The story itself didn't reach the emotional depth I had expected from the blurb, but otherwise Gracie McKeever does a great job at creating a lively and sometimes very funny story, while depicting her characters in a very believable way. Ingenue's Choice is a very enjoyable paranormal story and I'm off now to read the third book in the series, Bouncer's Folly.

Review first posted at The Romance Erotica Connection.
PUBLISHER: Siren Publishing
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shoganrea | 2 other reviews | Aug 16, 2008 |


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