Picture of author.

Jenny Milchman

Author of Cover of Snow

7+ Works 1,027 Members 138 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: Jenny Milchman, courtesy of the author

Works by Jenny Milchman

Cover of Snow (2013) 514 copies, 86 reviews
As Night Falls (2015) 166 copies, 15 reviews
Ruin Falls (2014) 147 copies, 15 reviews
Wicked River (2018) 103 copies, 13 reviews
The Second Mother (2020) 71 copies, 6 reviews
Lunch Reads, Volume 1 (2011) — Contributor — 9 copies, 3 reviews

Associated Works

Legacy: An Anthology (2015) — Contributor — 22 copies, 7 reviews
Writes of Passage: Adventures on the Writer's Journey (2014) — Contributor — 17 copies, 1 review
The Crime Cafe Short Story Anthology (2016) — Contributor — 1 copy


Common Knowledge

Country (for map)
Julia Kenny



More of a 2.5 because I was compelled to finish it but it took forever to read and while I wanted to find out what happened I was annoyed by most of this book. I feel like there were parts of good ideas here but none of them were perfect and all together it was just TOO MUCH.

Did we really need to have the drug deal? Couldn't they just be a happy couple who ran into trouble because of bad navigating? Hard to root for the couple when the husband is a creep who all of her friends hate and who we were made not to like for the whole first section of the book. Why bother with the whole subplot with the annoying teenaged niece and her friending his creepy 30 something friends on FB? Who cares about her sister's troubled marriage? And then I thought maybe we were getting something interesting once the cops and the search & rescue people got involved...sort of seeing the drama from the victim and the rescue POV but that was a bit of a red herring too. And then we have our bad guy.....that was just weird-o-rama for a million reasons.

(Purchased because I like the outdoors and mysteries in the outdoors and this author did an appearance at my local bookshop. I didn't see her speak but I still like to buy books of authors who come to the store.)
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hmonkeyreads | 12 other reviews | Jan 25, 2024 |
The Cover of Snow is an easy read if you don’t try to follow the convoluted plot. These mysteries always start with an excellent premise. Nora finds her cop husband dead from suicide. The entire novel focuses of the why he did it. Fine. But as the red herrings fly and the standard cliché character multiply, you can either stop reading or go with the flow. An evil mother, an autistic boy man, a relentless reporter and suspicious cops all manage interact with Nora. There are enough suspense twists to give you a morsel of satisfaction. The writing has potential so maybe there is a glimmer of hope for Jenny Milchman’s next book.… (more)
GordonPrescottWiener | 85 other reviews | Aug 24, 2023 |
I am notorious for wanting books because of the cover and most of the time they work out, this one did not.

Julie is a teacher who is looking for a place to escape her grief of a child. She finds that in a position offered off an island in Maine where cell service is non existent.

She has a dog, a dog that is persistently mentioned in every other word she mutters and initially I thought I was wary about reading this since it says it’s a “Thriller”.
Y’all the dog is fine and I have no clue why he was mentioned so much and I also wouldn’t classify this a thriller, or a mystery nor a SUSPENSE book.

The characters were boring and there wasn’t really any riveting plot, except the obvious…People go to the island to escape from a variety of reasons but none of those reasons come back.

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GeauxGetLit | 5 other reviews | May 27, 2023 |
This started off so strong and then nothing happened. I wanted to keep pushing through but I just could not keep my interest. DNF around 50%

SimplyKelina | 5 other reviews | May 22, 2023 |



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