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Donald Miller (1) (1971–)

Author of Blue Like Jazz

For other authors named Donald Miller, see the disambiguation page.

31+ Works 13,302 Members 201 Reviews 43 Favorited

About the Author

Donald Miller is a best-selling author and public speaker based in Nashville, Tennessee who focuses on Christian spirituality. Miller's first book, Prayer and the Art of Volkswagen Maintenance (Harvest House Publishers 2000), chronicled the cross-country road trip he took at age 21. It was printed show more with little fanfare, but it was republished more successfully in 2005 as Through Painted Deserts. Miller became a New York Times Bestselling Author when he published Blue Like Jazz in 2003. In 2004, Miller released Searching For God Knows What. In 2006, he added another book, To Own A Dragon. Don's next book, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, was released in late 2009. His title Scary Close: Dropping the Act and Acquiring a Taste for True Intimacy became a New York Times bestseller in 2015. In 2009 Miller began production of All Things Converge, a series of DVDs for small groups that feature Miller interviewing prominent Christian writers and theologians. The first three DVDs in the series were released in the fourth quarter of 2009. (Bowker Author Biography) show less

Works by Donald Miller

Blue Like Jazz (2003) 6,629 copies, 111 reviews
Searching for God Knows What (2004) 2,542 copies, 23 reviews

Associated Works

Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World (2012) — Foreword — 1,687 copies, 34 reviews
The Love Wins Companion: A Study Guide for Those Who Want to Go Deeper (2011) — Contributor — 81 copies, 3 reviews


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Common Knowledge



Very interesting read. It got me thinking about a lot of things I hadn't focused on before. While his anecdotal style can be unbalancing at first, once you get used to it, it's very easy to flow with.
AngelReadsThings | 110 other reviews | May 29, 2024 |
Someone writing about their issues and how they are working through them is not always a big draw. What is the tone? How heavy-handed is the "you should do it too" element? Thankfully Don Miller finds a funny-painfully honest-trust the reader approach that makes his newest book work.

Occasionally I had to put the book down and weep a bit as Miller's words spoke of things I know too well. And I had to read several passages aloud to Ken when I did weep so he'd understand what triggered the tears. But aside from time to process and read aloud, the pages kept turning with ease.

After a long pause in writing myself, it was Miller who pointed out what was holding me back. I write about that here.

Some lines worth remembering include:

"Being afraid to love and being paralyzed at the keyboard both involve a fear of being know, a fear of making mistakes, a fear of being found out.”

"…the fear of letting people down is one of the primary reasons people procrastinate.”

"Is there anything more toxic than the fear of being judged? Judgment shuts us down and makes us hide. It keeps us from being ourselves, which keeps us from connecting with people.”

"I couldn’t afford to be afraid to write and my soul needed to be known and it couldn’t be known in hiding.

"So I wrote. I wrote as though God thought my voice mattered. I wrote because I believed a human story was beautiful, no matter how small the human was. I wrote because I didn’t make myself, God did. And I wrote like [God] invited me to share my true “self” with the world.”
… (more)
rebwaring | 3 other reviews | Aug 14, 2023 |
I'd say that when I read this book in high school, I would have given it 5 stars; and now, after 3 years of listening to the capitalistic, moderate, reformed Donald Miller's podcast (primarily a tool for selling his own marketing products and setting up his political platform), and knowing that at the time he wrote this he owned a whole publishing house that he was trying to turn into a multimillion dollar company (and the book was probably a marketing tool for that, too), I'd probably give it a 1 star for disingenuity and pretentiousness. So, I'll give it 3 stars to balance it out. Maybe I should re-read it to give it a more fair score.… (more)
graceandbenji | 110 other reviews | Sep 1, 2022 |
This book is inspiring, to say the least. About editing your life to make it a good story, as you would a novel or screenplay. If we are to become the heroic characters we long to be in our own stories, we need to meet conflict and overcome it with courage and even excitement. I cannot recommend this book enough!
liannecollins | 36 other reviews | Jun 10, 2022 |



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