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10 Works 429 Members 6 Reviews


Works by William J. Miller


Common Knowledge




Says: 1. Woodworth, excellent analysis of Davis and Lee’s coordination.
2. Sauers, important discussion of the Pennsylvania Reserves in the campaign.
3. Ruffner, enlightening account of the reorganization issues faced by the Confederates at the beginning of the campaign, resulting in the Conscription Act
4. Bearss, blow by blow account of Stuart’s ride around McClellan’s army
5. Sommers, fascinatingly detailed daily diary entries from a Federal private
6. Miller, convenient daily summary of the campaign… (more)
MarkHarden | 2 other reviews | Jun 23, 2022 |
Uneven quality. Woodworth and Newton are excellent analyses of the Confederates command. 71st PA essay only of slight interest. Union cavalry essay was very eye opening. Essays on the wounded and weather could be ignored.
MarkHarden | Jun 23, 2022 |
This is a very short book whose primary feature is 32 removable maps that are tucked into pockets made between the pages. The majority of the removable maps are reproductions of maps that were used in different battles and campaigns. If maps are important in trying to study what went on in a battle they are critical if you are commanding the troops. The maps range from small hand made maps to large maps made by lithographic printing.
Besides the removable maps there are maps and illustrations throughout the book they give the reader something besides the printed word to help understand what was happening.
The front and back endsheets have a copy of what the author says was the most successful commercial map of the war. It is a panoramic view of the Gettysburg battlefield done in color. The map that was sold was 21 X 36 inches and was accompanied by a testimonial from General George Meade, a former topographical engineer. It is a beautiful map and I am sure that if I had been a veteran of that battle I would have wanted to have one.
I have gone through the book a number of times and always find some new interesting feature on one of the maps that I had not noticed before. I have also used one or two of the maps when reading about a particular battle that is set forth in the map.
There is a personal connection to several of the maps. One is a pocket map used by General J. E. B. Stuart that is now in Richmond's Museum of the Confederacy. The map that Baldy Smith had drawn of the Cracker Line that helped to supply Chattonooga, and a map that was carried by General McPherson when he was killed in the Battle of Atlanta are in the collection. There are blood stains on McPherson's map which show that he was carrying it when he was shot.
Another map in that pocket shows the work and detail that went into providing accurate maps for Sherman's officers. It is a map of Northern Georgia which covered the area from the North Georgia border down to below Jonesboro. The map was printed on a lithographic press and and newly acquired topographic information could be quickly added to the base map which were then printed and distributed. The enclosed map is said to be a copy of the map that Sherman used.
I find the battle maps to be fascinating artifacts.
There is a very interesting commercial map that was made to be sold with the book "The Lost Cause". It is a large map that covers the entire South except for West Texas. All of the counties in the Southern States are mapped out. There is a chronology of the different battles. I had to use a magnifying glass at times but the detail could be clearly read. The commercial maps provide insight into what was important to the people at the time.
I really enjoy using this book and recommend it to anyone with an interest in the Civil War. The book and the maps provide another level of knowledge about what the experience of the Civil War was like.
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1 vote
wildbill | Jul 16, 2011 |


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