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Thatcher C. Nalley


12 Works 59 Members 4 Reviews

Works by Thatcher C. Nalley


fantasy (1) horror (1) Kindle (1) thriller (1) to-read (24)

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Meh. Usually I enjoy Asylum stories. Most end up being ghost stories or mysteries, or real stories of escape. This one just fell flat. A collection of "letters" that just rambled on about nothing in particular and didn't really fit together very well. I suppose the author was trying to explain the level of insanity in some of these patients, or lack there of in others. Just didn't seem to flow very well as the letters never came to any sort of conclusions. Good thing it was a free Kindle book.
Jen-Lynn | Aug 1, 2022 |
No stars. This author needs an editor and a proofreader. I couldn't finish it - I would need to have a red pen while reading it so I could correct it and then mail it to the author.
thevoice1208 | 2 other reviews | Dec 7, 2017 |
Although made to look like a work of non-fiction, it is, in fact fiction. No one ever found out what happened to Emerson Rose mental institution. It's patients, doctors, and staff mysteriously disappear with no clues as to what happened or where everyone went. Years later, as the property was set to undergo demolition, a cache of letters was found hidden within a mattress. The letters were all addressed to a Dr. Quill and were written by patients in the months leading up to the mysterious disappearances. Detailing their torrid pasts as well as the heinous conditions of the institution, they provide a brief glimpse into the events leading up to the disappearances.

Let me just go ahead and rip the band aid off quickly, this was not a great read. While the concept and idea were really interesting and had so much potential, the writing quality was poor and the book was FILLED with typos. They were so distracting as I was reading I just really couldn't get past them. There was really no resolution at the end of the book, the letters just....ended....The patients back stories and descriptions were interesting, and with a little fine tuning in the writing department, I think they could have been even better. It had a sort of One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest mixed with a little American Horror Story Asylum feel. I assume this is one of a series and I would give the second one a go since I did like the idea of this book, in the hopes that the writing improves and someone actually edits the book for typos.
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courtneygiraldo | 2 other reviews | May 15, 2017 |

The order and content of the letters were very captivating and made me want to read more and more. I couldn't stop reading and I wish there was more to read!
Karibeth2me | 2 other reviews | May 26, 2016 |


½ 3.3

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