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Sōsuke Natsukawa

Author of The Cat Who Saved Books

6 Works 1,366 Members 66 Reviews

About the Author

Image credit: Author Sosuke Natsukawa

Works by Sōsuke Natsukawa


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Natsukawa, Sōsuke
Other names
夏川 草介
Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Short biography
Sōsuke Natsukawa (1978-) is a Japanese doctor and novelist. Born in Osaka Prefecture. He graduated from Shinshu University School of Medicine. While working as a doctor, he made his debut in 2009 with Kamisama no Karute, which won the 10th Shogakukan Bunko Novel Award. The work was also selected as a candidate for the 7th Bookstore Awards (finally ranked 2nd). "Natsukawa Sōsuke" is a pen name.



Teenager Rintaro Natsuki has just lost his grandfather and will probably soon have to go and live with an aunt, but for a little while he plans to stay at his grandfather’s used bookstore, where he has worked alongside his grandfather for years. Although a couple of students at his high school drop in to check on him, he does not have any interest in going back to school - or anywhere else, for that matter. That is, until a talking ginger cat suddenly appears in the bookshop and requests his assistance in rescuing books that are being mistreated…. This is a delightful short novel that gently teaches the reader about the value of books and of reading, and of caring for one another and of courage. I enjoyed its well-drawn characters, who grow and thrive through fantastical adventures, and I’m pretty sure most readers would feel the same way; recommended!… (more)
thefirstalicat | 64 other reviews | Sep 13, 2024 |
Quirky, delightful, decidedly Japanese with a universal breadth. One of the very few books I've read that I literally could not put down until finished. A deep dive into the very soul of literature. For book lovers, I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Curiously I got this on the same bookstore visit that landed Rabbits on my reading list. A good trip indeed.
dhaxton | 64 other reviews | Sep 5, 2024 |
“Our best weapon for fighting all the pain and trouble in the world isn’t logic or violence. It’s humour.”

“Books have a soul. A book that sits on a shelf is nothing but a bundle of paper. Unless it is opened, a book processing great power or an epic story is mere scraps of paper. But a book that has been cherished and loved, filled with human thoughts, has been endowed with a soul.”

"Books teach us how to care about others. Books are filled with feelings. Books help us understand each other. They bring us together."

The Cat Who Saved Books was a really enjoyable story. Each adventure that Rintaro and Tiger, the cat, head out on provides a moment of reflection on how we buy, read, store/keep, and what importance we put on books. I loved the concept that books have a soul, but that that soul is only exists when the books have engaged with, cherished, and loved. I also liked the concept that books teach us about and help us understand others. This is a book I will be keeping on my shelf, and not just because of the cover!
… (more)
eesti23 | 64 other reviews | Aug 10, 2024 |
This odd sounding book caught my attention and I’m so very glad it did. Lightly mystical stories that pass through four strange labyrinths with a talking cat as the guide, slowly revealing why books are so important and why people love them. This left me smiling and unable to part with the novel. One for those who love books or a great present to give or read to someone. For anyone who wishes to pass their love of books on.
SharonMariaBidwell | 64 other reviews | Aug 4, 2024 |



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