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Includes the name: Ogawa Morihiro

Image credit: Morihiro Ogawa [credit: New York Social Diary]

Works by Morihiro Ogawa


Common Knowledge



The arms and equipment of the samrai are widely recognized as masterpieces in steel, silk, and lacquer. The extensively illustrated catalgoue is pubished in conjunction with the first comprehensive exhibition devoted to the arts of the samurai, including the finest expamples of swords-the spirit of the samurai-as well as sword mountings and fittings, armor and helmets, saddles, textiles, and paintings. The works in the catalogue, draw in from public and private collections in Japan, incude 34 Important Cultural Properties, the largest number ever to be shown together at one time. Dating from the 5th to the early 20th century, these majestic objects offer a complete picture of samurai culture and its unique blend of the martial and the refined.

Many of the greatest Japanese swordsmiths are represented in this volume, from early masters such as Yasuie (12th century) and Tomomitsu (14the centruy) to the Edo-period smiths Nagasone Kotetsu and Kiyomaro. The blades by these and other masters, cherished as much for their beauty as for their cutting efficiency, were equipped with elaborate hilts and scabbards prized for their exquisite craftsmanship and fine materials such as silk, rayskin, gold, lacquer, and certin alloys unique to Japan. Japanese armor is also fully surveyed, from the rarest iron armor of the Kofun period (5th centruy) to the inventive ceremonial helmets made toward the end of the age of the samurai.

The principal authors of the catalogue-Mrorihiro Ogawa, Kazutoshi Harada, and Hiroshi Ikeda-are the world's leading experts on Japanese sword mountings and fittings, sword blades, and armor. By combining their unparalleled kowledge, connoisseurship, and decades of experience, they present one of the most detailed tratments of this subject ever published in English, making this volume an invaluable resource for both scholars and the general public for decades to come.

Morihiro Ogawa is Special Consultant for Japanese Arms and Armor, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

358 pages, 363 illustrations, including 246 colorplates; appendices, glossary; selected bibliography,index.

Product Description
Samurai arms and equipment are widely recognized as masterpieces in steel, silk, and lacquer. This extensively illustrated volume is published in conjunction with the first comprehensive exhibition devoted to the arts of the samurai. It includes the finest examples of swords—the spirit of the samurai—as well as sword mountings and fittings, armor and helmets, saddles, banners, and paintings. The objects in the catalogue, drawn entirely from public and private collections in Japan, feature more than 100 officially designated national treasures and important cultural properties. Dating from the 5th to the 19th century, these majestic works offer a complete picture of samurai culture and its unique blend of the martial and the refined.

Many of the greatest Japanese blade makers are represented in this volume, from the earliest koto ('old sword') masters such as Yasuie (12th century) and Tomomitsu (14th century) to the Edo-period smiths Nagasone Kotetsu and Kiyomaro. These blades, cherished as much for their beauty as for their cutting effectiveness, were equipped with elaborate hilts and scabbards prized for their exquisite craftsmanship and materials, including silk, rayskin, gold, lacquer, and alloys unique to Japan, such as shakudo and shibuichi. Japanese armor is also fully surveyed, from the rarest iron armor of the Kofun period (5th century) to the inventive ceremonial helmets made toward the end of the age of the samurai.

About the Author
Morihiro Ogawa is Special Consultant for Japanese Arms and Armor, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.


Director's foreword Thomas P. Campbell
Commissioner's statement Hideo Tamai
Lenders to the exhibition
Note to the reader
Spirit of the samurai by Morihiro Ogawa
Japanese armor: An overview by Hiroshi Ikeda
History of the Japanese sword by Kazutoshi Harada
Catalogue numbers 50-109
Sword mountings and fittings Morihiro Ogawa
Catalogue numbers 110-214
Appendices A-E
Selected bibliography
… (more)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
Special exibit of Living National Treasures of Japan swordsmith exibit at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts featuring the Gassan tradition.

The Gassan school, believed active since the Kamakura period (1185-1333), continues to produce blades to this day. This important English-language text presents a detailed account of Gassan Sadaichi's 1988 Boston blade along with a thorough history of the Gassan-kaji - known for it's ayasugi hada. Includes many photos and top-quality oshigata of both the Ningen Kokuho (living national treasure['s]) masterworks and earlier blades by this influential school.


Foreword by Alan Shestack
Acknowledgements by Morihiro Ogawa
The Exhibition of Living National Treasures in the United States
The Gassan Swordmaking Studio in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
The historical backgroiund of the Gassan School and Dewa Sanzan
… (more)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
Catalog of a wonderful exhibit I saw at the Metropolitan over Christmas, 2009. Inclusdes what 2 experts flatly said was the best srviving katana in the world; more visually interesting were elaborate grotesque helmet crests and some scrolls of notable historical figures. There were also pieces asociated with several important Japanese leaders cvhiefly 16th century.
1 vote
antiquary | Feb 23, 2010 |
This book was pretty much what I expected it to be. Having read "The Art of Chivalry", a sort of catalouge of the Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection of arms and armour, I was had a good idea of what would be the general format of this book. It picks up where "Chivalry" left off, providing photos and a general description of some of the pieces the museum has aquired over the last 2 decades. Altogether an OK source but more of an annex to the first book.
Poleaxe | Jan 26, 2009 |

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