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Works by Will Patching


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While this book didn't hook me in as much as the first one, it was still a great read. The book mostly takes place on a fictional Thai island and brings back several characters that were in the first book. What begins as a murder investigation on a paradise island quickly starts to reveal corruption and sinister crimes where money is valued more than lives. Many of the themes in this book are based on actual issues in our world today. The book is fast-paced, hard to put down, and well researched. I can't wait to see what happens in the next book!… (more)
danitareads | Jun 1, 2024 |
It's hard to put into words just how much I enjoyed reading this book. It was impossible to put down! The story is full of action and was thought-provoking, really making you ask questions... What if some conspiracy theories really are true? What if the "good guys" really are the "bad guys"? What actions can be justified for "the greater good"? Like the other books in this series, there is a complicated web of characters tangled across multiple continents and countries. There's murder, terrorism and conspiracies everywhere you look. never a dull moment. A fantastic conclusion to great series!… (more)
danitareads | Jun 1, 2024 |
This book is well written and truly a fast-paced thriller. I can say that this book isn't for everyone, as it contains some horrific crimes and gruesome crime scenes. But, if you can get past that, it is well worth reading. The book follows several different characters that help you experience this complicated story from many points of view - the pedophile, the murderer, the press, the police, the government, etc. There are some characters that you know from the beginning are evil, but others keep you wondering if they are really a "good guy" or "bad guy" right to the end. It it interesting how all these characters, spread across 3 countries, are connected in ways you don't expect.

While some of the subject matter in this book is difficult to read, what's more disturbing is that these crimes are happening in the real world. It really brings awareness to how widespread and "high up" this issue goes.

The title "The Hack" is very appropriate as it actually applies to this story in 3 different ways - the computer hack where information is stolen from the CIA, the article that makes it public knowledge, and the murder itself. These 3 hacks together lead to a fascinating story.

I received a free review copy of this book directly from the author, but my honest opinion is completely voluntary.
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danitareads | 3 other reviews | Jun 1, 2024 |
3.5 stars rounded up.

I've previously read The Hack trilogy by Will Patching and enjoyed it, so I was excited to read his newest book. An Egypt Affair definitely has a different feel to it, but I think that's at least somewhat expected since it's a book adaptation of a screenplay. The book is written in the third person and alternates views between several of the main characters. I could quickly pick up that some of the characters' opinions of each other were not so great. I think that's why I ended up not feeling strongly attached to most of the characters, which in turn made me not feel as engrossed in the book as I could've been. The story definitely had an intricate plot, though I could sense the direction most things were going long before they were officially revealed. All that said, it was still a good read with an interesting setting and complicated relationships. I'm interested in watching the movie to see how it compares and contrasts to the book adaptation.

I received a free review copy of this book directly from the author. My review is voluntary and completely my own.
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danitareads | Jun 1, 2024 |



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