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3 Works 787 Members 40 Reviews

Works by Ben Philippe


Common Knowledge



This was an enjoyable read with a quick pace and an engaging story. I loved Halti's level of growth throughout this book. Does he make a huge mistake, yes, does he learn from it and grow, yes.

Looking forward to reading more of Ben's work in the future.
Shauna_Morrison | 14 other reviews | Sep 2, 2024 |
Gr 9 Up—Haitian American Henri will do just about anything to achieve his dream of going to Columbia, even if it
means betraying the girl he loves. A diverse cast of characters, racial tensions, and ethical dilemmas make this so
much more than just a simple romance.
BackstoryBooks | 14 other reviews | Apr 2, 2024 |
audio nonfiction (8.5hrs) - Haitian Canadian/American author (teen novels) and professor reflects on his life growing up in Haiti and Quebec, Canada before moving to the US (Austin, New York).

I didn't recognize the author's name at first but I did enjoy reading his recent teen rom-com
reader1009 | 6 other reviews | Jan 5, 2024 |
This book's description makes it seem like it will primarily be a political book, but the essays are far more memoir-like with a few political topics thrown in. That on its own isn't what makes this a frustrating read for me.
The author makes quite a few statements of opinion that he knows are fatphobic, he outrights acknowledges it at one point. He claims that he isn't being fatphobic, that he just really didn't like how he himself looked at that time in his life. That might have been a reasonable explanation, if not for all the times in later essays where he makes comments about how gross fat people's bodies are to him.
He makes claims that he doesn't think he's better than other people, and then just a few paragraphs later tells a story that demonstrates the opposite.
There's an incest joke, delivered very casually right before a sex scene
The essays are full of toxic masculinity, and there's even one where he accuses a male roommate of being too emotionally open and then in the same essay claims that his own emotional openness isn't being reciprocated.
Having finished the book, the only good thing I have to say about it is that at least now I don't have to worry what I might have missed if I hadn't read it.
This is not a book I can recommend to anyone.
… (more)
EmberMantles | 6 other reviews | Jan 1, 2024 |



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