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Nancy Richler (1957–2018)

Author of The Imposter Bride

4+ Works 589 Members 37 Reviews

About the Author

Nancy Richler was born in Montreal, Canada on May 16, 1957. She attended Brandeis University. She started writing fiction in 1998. Her novels included Throwaway Angels, Your Mouth Is Lovely, which won the 2003 Canadian Jewish Book Award for fiction, and The Imposter Bride. Her short fiction show more appeared in numerous anthologies and magazines including the New Quarterly, Prairie Fire, and the Journey Prize Anthology. She died from complications related to cancer on January 18, 2018 at the age of 60. (Bowker Author Biography) show less

Includes the name: nancy richler

Works by Nancy Richler

The Imposter Bride (2012) 432 copies, 36 reviews
Your Mouth Is Lovely: A Novel (2002) 129 copies, 1 review
Throwaway Angels (2002) 26 copies

Associated Works

Jewish Noir: Contemporary Tales of Crime and Other Dark Deeds (2015) — Contributor — 42 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge

Date of death
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Place of death
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Places of residence
Colorado, USA
Brandeis University
short-story writer



BooksInMirror | 35 other reviews | Feb 19, 2024 |
Starts off a bit slow but calmly picks up momentum. Some chapters are first person, Ruth, others are flashbacks to the "original" story in which POV shifts between paragraphs. In this way the whole story unveils itself. The imposter bride leaves her new husband and baby behind and the close knit family raises Ruth. I'm sorry that Elka did not have more of a voice in the latter half. Her transition from young woman to motherly wife was not evident, but her role was important. A nice story with all other loose ends tied up.… (more)
LDVoorberg | 35 other reviews | Dec 24, 2023 |
Intriguing premise, not well executed. The book just dragged, I found myself skimming even though I am trying to read slower than usual to make my summer stack of books last longer! The story could have been more interesting, the dialogue did not feel realistic, especially when immigrants give long passages of speech in perfect, highly literate English, and most of the story was told thru the perspective of a very dull young girl.I did not find the characters fully realized, and telling me over and over that a young girl has a crush on a boy, without ever making me understand why made me feel that the author presumed that I knew him and would "just understand"... There was a lot of repetition, and the name dropping of places in Montreal was fun for me as an ex-Montrealer, but might leave those not familiar with the city wondering why one restaurant or street is different from another. The characters would do/think/see something that I felt would change the direction of their life, make it more interesting, and then that thread would be dropped. It really felt like the author had reread her childhood diaries (crushes, incidents with best friends, first contact with anti-semitism, dates, spending time with her aunt/cousins) and then incorporated another story ( a refugee's assumed identity after the war) around her childhood. Finally, the ending felt thin and hollow.… (more)
Rdra1962 | 35 other reviews | Aug 1, 2018 |
While this story of a Jewish woman who escapes to America under a false name could have been an interesting one, it fell a little short for me. I wanted to know more about the main character Lily but it just wasn't provided. Perhaps that was to make the reader identify with her daughter who was also in the dark about her mother and her motives? Not sure but I think it would have been a better read if we had more about the missing woman. I also found the book confusing at points when it changed point of view in mid stream. Sometimes I had to go back and read things twice. I like it but didn't love it.… (more)
tinkerbellkk | 35 other reviews | Jul 24, 2017 |



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