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Naaju Rorrete

Author of A Magnetic Couple Dilemma

4 Works 72 Members 5 Reviews


Works by Naaju Rorrete

A Magnetic Couple Dilemma (2012) 22 copies, 1 review
Love Is Always Write: Volume Six — Contributor — 20 copies, 2 reviews
Mad Passion (2014) 18 copies, 2 reviews
From Don to Dom (2013) 12 copies


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Travis has lived most of his life repressing his attraction to men. He had little problem with it while his wife was alive, but now that she has passed he finds he's working even harder not to give in to any feelings he knows are wrong. So when Joe, a handyman he hired to look at doing some work on his house, shows up and unexpectedly stirs those exact feelings Travis is trying to avoid, he lets his bias and defense mechanisms take over and tries to send Joe on his way. But Joe can see through the smokescreen Travis is trying to create and decides that kindness might be exactly what Travis needs right now. And even if Joe never gets the chance to be with a man he realizes he finds simply irresistible, perhaps he might help Travis find his way in the end.

Not a bad story. A quick and easy read overall. But the type of change we see from a couple of the characters seems a bit rushed for me in terms of the timeline of the story. People just don't change that much that quickly, even if there are events that might help to nudge them along the way.
… (more)
crtsjffrsn | 1 other review | Aug 27, 2021 |
As one of the group who worked on editing and proofing these stories and helped put the anthologies together I might be considered biased, but these anthologies are definitely worthy of the 5 star rating.
ShazOV | 1 other review | Feb 10, 2021 |
2.5 Stars rounded up to 3 because it's free.

I, unfortunately, couldn't warm up to any of the characters although Raul and Diego, secondary characters, ended up being the most interesting.
Bookbee1 | Jun 23, 2020 |
I actually read this several days ago but had to let myself sleep on it for a bit so I wouldn't be completely obnoxious with my review. See, I had a number of WTF moments while reading this that took me completely out of the story, some of which, to me, were straying into offensive. The sad thing is that I don't think that was the author's intent at all.
Bookbee1 | 1 other review | Jun 23, 2020 |

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