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L. J. Shen

Author of Vicious

65+ Works 4,881 Members 231 Reviews 5 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the name: L.J. Shen


Works by L. J. Shen

Vicious (2016) 515 copies, 24 reviews
The Kiss Thief (2019) 415 copies, 24 reviews
Pretty Reckless (2019) 349 copies, 10 reviews
Ruckus (2017) 264 copies, 14 reviews
Broken Knight (2019) 228 copies, 13 reviews
Scandalous (2017) 218 copies, 13 reviews
Angry God (2020) 213 copies, 7 reviews
Beautiful Graves (2022) 209 copies, 2 reviews
Sparrow (2016) 202 copies, 16 reviews
The Devil Wears Black (2021) 188 copies, 4 reviews
Bane (2018) 188 copies, 13 reviews
Midnight Blue (2018) 172 copies, 15 reviews
Playing with Fire (2020) 158 copies, 4 reviews
The Hunter (2020) 156 copies, 6 reviews
Defy (2016) 151 copies, 8 reviews
Dirty Headlines (2018) 144 copies, 12 reviews
In the Unlikely Event (2019) 114 copies, 9 reviews
The Villain (2020) 101 copies, 2 reviews
Ruthless Rival (2022) 95 copies, 1 review
Thorne Princess (2023) 93 copies, 1 review
Blood to Dust (2016) 90 copies, 9 reviews
Damaged Goods (2024) 81 copies
Tyed (2015) 77 copies, 5 reviews
The Monster (2021) — Author — 75 copies, 2 reviews
The End Zone (2018) 63 copies, 7 reviews
Bad Cruz (2021) 46 copies, 1 review
The Rake (2022) 46 copies, 2 reviews
My Dark Desire (2024) 19 copies
Punk Love (2022) 17 copies
Damaged Goods (2024) 14 copies
My Dark Romeo 14 copies
Just the Tip (2020) 12 copies
Drawn to Him: A Romance Collection (2017) 9 copies, 5 reviews
Summer Fling — Author — 6 copies, 1 review
Playing the Field — Contributor — 5 copies
Rock Hard (2021) 3 copies
Kiss Thief (2023) 2 copies
Eternal Sunshine (2022) 2 copies
Rock Hard 1 copy
Dark Heros 1 copy
Jingle Bell Rock 1 copy, 1 review
Title TBA 1 copy
TLSKEM 1 copy
Scandalos 1 copy

Associated Works

Christmas in the City (6-in-1) (2019) — Contributor — 50 copies, 5 reviews
Team Player (2017) — Contributor — 22 copies, 3 reviews
Fall Into You (2022) — Contributor — 5 copies
Filthy: Erotic Love Letters (2019) — Contributor — 5 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge




Vicious spends senior year torturing Emilia, daughter of the hired help that lives on his property. Ten years later, he shows up in New York at precisely the worst (best?) time to get involved in her life all over again. Nothing about this book was a surprise. The plot just kind of rolled along and revelations from the past or present came and went. However, I like tortured male anti-heroes that treat women shitty in the name of luuurve and Shen wrote a pretty good one.
mfred333 | 23 other reviews | Sep 1, 2024 |
Sparrow, daughter of a low-level mob guy, is forced to marry noted “fixer” and all around bad guy Troy for reasons unbeknownst to her. He’s big, he’s scary, and goshdarnit, Sparrow just can’t seem to resist his badass allure. I really liked the way Shen was able to show Troy in all his meaness and callousness fall for the courageous and spunky Sparrow. It wasn’t just a matter of insta-lust, but a growing connection between the two and I enjoyed reading about it.
mfred333 | 15 other reviews | Sep 1, 2024 |
5 stars.

I knew going in that I would love this book. I love everything that L.J. Shen writes. However, what I didn't realize was how much I was going to love this book. I didn't think that there was any possibility that I would love Dean more than Jamie. I was wrong. So. Wrong. While they all have the dirty talking alpha-male thing down, Dean knocks it out of the park.

"I was still a sinner…and I was still the wolf her grandmamma warned her about." Sweet Jesus....so many great lines in this book. Whether as anger all monologue or said to the other. Holy hotness...

He has a vulnerability to him that is juxtaposed between his demons that makes him swoon worthy. He isn't afraid to show love and that is what he does to Rosie.

Sweet Rosie, fragile and living in a world where everyone babies her. All she wants is to be independent and to truly live. Dean gives her that chance forcing her to truly live. I loved her being feisty with Dean. Their banter was funny as hell and made you root for them to come together, especially as 11years of their lives had already been wasted.

I loved the entwining of the other characters. It was done in a way that didn't detract from this being the Story of Dean and Rosie. It enriched the story. I look forward to Trent's story.

Fantastic book. One of the best of 2017. I can guarantee that after Trent's story comes out that this entire series will be getting a binge all in one read through. Probably more than once.
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MagicalRi | 13 other reviews | Jul 31, 2024 |
Scandalous was one of my most anticipated books for 2017. There are not enough words to describe how much I like the Hotholes. LJ can write an Alphahole better than pretty much anyone out there right now. While Trent was close to being the worse of the bunch, Vicious, in my opinion still wins hands down. That is not to say that Trent didn't have his moments. He did. He was just more straight and to the point.

One of the things that I loved about this story was the strong interaction and moments that still tied in the Hotholes. I literally laughed out loud when the first scene happened in the office and Vicious was in his true form. I was dying. He really is a jerk but I still love him. I liked the rapport with all the girls and their girl time at the bbq. I pretty much liked anytime that all the characters from the previous books found time in this book without it distracting from Trent and Edie. That takes skill to do and LJ made it seem effortless.

Trent. Sweet Holy titfire. If I could bottle that man up I would. Not only can LJ write the biggest alphahole (no joke- I saw a Facebook post asking who was the biggest Alphahole ever and the majority by a long shot was Vicious. Do you know how many books are out there?!?! Gives you some perspective as to her skill!) but she can also write a hotter than sin man who has the potential to still be sweet. He can also melt panties and kindles so beware. He is quiet, studying those around him while they talk and he remains 'mute'. His life has not been easy like the other Hotholes. Yet, somehow he is still as integral in their connection as they are despite his not coming from money. He lives for his work and his daughter. Sweet Luna. I just wanted to hug her.

Edie. Oh that sweet, delightful, wild child girl. They say that age is nothing but a number and normally I would disagree with them. I have never been a fan of the age gap thing except in rare circumstances. This would be one of those circumstances because not once did I see the age thing with these two. Instead, I saw a girl who had been denied happiness for so long that made both Trent and Luna come alive. I loved her connection with Luna because not only did it make Luna blossom but it started putting cracks in Trent's armor.

Together they were hotter than a Satan's mistress. I am not kidding you when I say that my kindle got HOT. I loved the bantering between them. I loved their intimate moments (and not just the sex) but the actual times they opened up.

We are often asked in LJ's Sparrows (her Facebook reading group--if you aren't a part of it you should be), who our favorite Hothole is. I am still vacillating between Jaime and Dean (if Jaime had a full length book it would be no contest. Just saying) and usually Vicious always wins. I wouldn't be surprised if Trent takes the lead after this book for many of them. Regardless, Everyone of them offer something and are truly amazing.

I am sorry to see this journey and series end. There is a part of me that would love to see the kids in the future. I think Knight and Luna might have something. Whatever is in store for LJ, I am sure it will knock our socks off because she is another author that might be a Unicorn.

Kudos, LJ for another accomplishment and amazing book/series. This book was worth the anticipation! Definitely in the top ten of 2017.
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MagicalRi | 12 other reviews | Jul 31, 2024 |


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