Picture of author.

Nicky Singer (1956–2023)

Author of Feather Boy

18 Works 588 Members 35 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: Nickey Singer

Works by Nicky Singer

Feather Boy (2002) 237 copies, 5 reviews
Under Shifting Glass (2012) 87 copies, 17 reviews
GemX (2006) 64 copies, 3 reviews
Doll (2003) 49 copies, 2 reviews
The Innocent's Story (2005) 48 copies, 2 reviews
The Survival Game (2018) 47 copies, 5 reviews
Island (2015) 19 copies
Knight Crew (2009) 6 copies
What She Wanted (1996) 5 copies
To Still the Child (1992) 5 copies
My Mother's Daughter (1998) 3 copies
Il confine (2019) 2 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge



Beautiful but traumatising too. Made me ugly cry :(
Kateinoz | 4 other reviews | Feb 14, 2023 |
Mrs_Tapsell_Bookzone | 4 other reviews | Feb 14, 2023 |
In the not too distant future, the world is so warm that millions of people from Africa are desperately trying to get North to the colder climate of the UK. The Arctic Ice has melted and to combat over population everyone must "take the needle" and be voluntarily euthanized at the age of 75.
This is the world that Scottish born Mhairi lives in. Unfortunately for her, she has spent the last 6 years in Sudan with her parents and now must make her way across the desert to Cairo to catch a plane to Heathrow. Once on English soil she must prove that she is Scottish and see if she can be allowed to return to this now separate country as the borders are strictly patrolled. While trying to complete this epic journey she comes across a little African boy who has been so traumatised as a refugee that he is a mute. When the boy's companion suddenly dies, Mhairi makes a decision that will have consequences for the rest of her life.
Gritty story where Mhairi's draws on the unique strengths of her parents - her father's quite observation and compassion for the world , and her mother's fierce determination and belief that the world can be a better place if individuals act proactively. Harrowing ending.
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nicsreads | 4 other reviews | Feb 2, 2020 |
While I am sure this for some will be a worth-while endeavour The Survival Game is just not something I have been able to get into.
If it was just a case of me not being invested in the plot yet I would plod on here but I am finding the very abrupt style of writing hard to adjust to.
On top of that, the chapters themselves are really short and though the original premise is something I was intrigued by I just can't get over my disconnect with the writing style.
I also really wasn't a fan of the whole castle reference: I understood what Mhairi was doing with the whole separation and boxing away from all of her trauma: so it was an actual separate entity, apart even.
I just found it a bit weird as I didn't comprehend straight away what she was actually doing so was a trifle bemused originally.
There are plenty of glowing reviews here for this so just because this wasn't my bag isn't to say it won't be yours.
I voluntary reviewed an Arc of The Survival Game.
All opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
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carpathian1974 | 4 other reviews | Nov 7, 2019 |


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