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Works by K. J. Soze


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I picked this up not because I'm Christian, but because I was curious about what was inside based on the blurb. I truly enjoyed reading this, and found it quite interesting. The title feels a little misleading - this isn't a doomsday book, but one that examines biblical philosophy, and makes it accessible to lay people. The bible is a large book, and you'll see many interpretations out there, I'd add this book as one of the better ones I've read. Soze clearly did a lot of research and contemplating on everything presented, and I liked how easy it was to read and understand. Even if you aren't Christian, but have an interest in what the bible says from a philosophical standpoint, you'll find this book to be quite interesting.… (more)
LilyRoseShadowlyn | 1 other review | Jun 18, 2023 |
The Message for the Last Days was given to me by Hidden Gems Books in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I have read many different books about God, about the Bible, and about end times. Many of those books are hard to read. They read like a professional journal when I need something more in layman's terms. This book was different. I was able to follow along, not get lost in jargon that was over my head. I'm an educated person but theology was not my major.

The Message for the Last Days gives indepth explanations. The Bible verses are dissected and put in to terms more suited for this place in time. The book explains the how to differentiate between a verse referring to the physical realm, the heavenly realm, or the spiritual realm and how these can interact with one another. It also shows us how and why we need to let go of our preconceptions and wrong interpretations.

I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to better understand the Bible. It is very eye opening and educational.
… (more)
tmiller1018 | 1 other review | Dec 12, 2019 |


