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Works by Gin Stephens


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I’ve been an IFer since discovering Gin’s first book, Delay, Don’t Deny. This week, I completed my 250th fast!

I started this journey back on October 15, 2019, and never looked back. When I began my practice (before I’d even read Delay, Don’t Deny), I had no idea how Gin Stephens and the DDD lifestyle would truly change my life and my health.

I started with 16/8, but found after a couple of days it was pretty effortless for me, and pushed to 18/6. I continued 18/6 for about three months, and at that point started extending a little further every day depending on how I felt. Pre-Covid, I would typically fast between 18 and 21 hours a day and OMAD (no restrictions). During Covid, I stuck to 16 hours minimum, more when I could… but it has been so much harder being at home full time! I did “quarantine” my scale at the advice of a friend and mentor, and it was the best thing I could’ve done. Now I’m back up to 18 or 19 hours a day consistently, and I know I have the tools in my toolbox to continue towards my goals and beyond. The release of FFR was such perfect timing as we come out of our stay-at-home mandate. Reading it has been inspiring, and reminded me of all the reasons I am committed to my IF practice. There is so much fascinating and helpful info, even if you’re already an IFer. In fact, after finishing today, I may just go back and reread sever chapters again!

The biggest win for me, though, is the freedom. I used to always think about food in some way... what was the healthiest choice; should I indulge in another glass of wine or that dessert or should I 'be good' instead; I probably shouldn't have the pasta or I should skip the bread. Now, I just eat. Plain and simple. I make what I want, I eat with my family (and the same thing they're eating, a particularly important message for my 15yo daughter). The best way to describe it is freedom... the food anxiety, the planning, the prepping, the worrying, the 'noise in my head,' is simply gone.

IF is the most natural and intuitive thing I have ever done. It costs nothing and requires nothing other than a commitment to yourself. I feel better than I have in a decade! I was down 20 lbs and 2 sizes the last time I weighed in. My thyroid meds have been reduced twice. And I have been particularly grateful for my practice during our stay-at-home mandate. I don't often evangelize the way I did in the beginning, since it has just become the way I live my life. But I am so happy to share this milestone... 250 squeaky clean fasts! While there have been celebrations and indulgences and even a pandemic, I haven’t missed one single day since day one!
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kdegour23 | 4 other reviews | May 29, 2024 |
Learning about IF through DDD has truly been life-changing, and after two months, I have no doubt that this is a sustainable way of life for me. The book is accessible and enjoyable, packed with information and science behind IF. After years (decades) of thinking about and at times struggling with my weight, I could not be more grateful to finally be free.
kdegour23 | 3 other reviews | May 29, 2024 |
Delay, Don’t Deny by Gin Stephens

“I learned that I can fast however I feel is beneficial
for me. For me I prefer alternate day fasting because it is easier for me to focus and do well with my responsibilities that I have to take care of. It means that yes some may oppose me doing the intermittent fasting altogether. But I know my body and I know that I can handle it and do well!”

“If I am traveling I would most likely do the five hour window eating. Between 4 pm-9 pm. And then go back to alternate day fasting when I am back at home.”

“In regards to the book I learned Mrs. G. Stephens gave examples of how she ate her one meal a day. And it worked for her. For me I learned what I liked or loved to eat or could tolerate eating and to drink keep buying and drinking it. What that is will remain private. However I understand that each person creates their own food and nutrition lifestyle calibrated for their own body and genetic makeup. I do what is right for my body whilst enjoy simple pleasures and am happy. So blissfully happy!”
… (more)
Kaianna.Isaure | 3 other reviews | Jan 23, 2024 |
I wasn't expecting much, but have found a treasure of information. I've read so many diet books in my life, tried even more diets. I do like intermittent fasting, and have been doing it for many years, happily. I really like this author, she's a teacher, that studied diet books and medical studies, then put it together here. She quotes 2 of my favorite doctors that I trust in her studies. This author really put a lot into gathering all this. She presents it in a way that allows you to decide if this is what’s best for you, she acknowledges that we are all different, each body functions differently. She also backs that with various scientific reports. Forget the “diet” here and read this juts for the education alone, you will be amazed. I found myself shocked at one point when she explains how flavored drinks sugar free, calorie free really aren’t free, the body’s reaction shined a light on many symptoms I went through.… (more)
TheYodamom | 4 other reviews | Oct 18, 2023 |

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