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42 Works 810 Members 35 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the name: Frank Tayell


Works by Frank Tayell

Surviving the Evacuation, Book 1: London (2013) 180 copies, 9 reviews
Surviving The Evacuation, Book 2: Wasteland (2014) 89 copies, 4 reviews
Surviving The Evacuation, Book 3: Family (2014) 54 copies, 2 reviews
Serious Crimes (2015) 39 copies, 1 review
Surviving The Evacuation, Book 6: Harvest (2015) 27 copies, 1 review
Surviving The Evacuation, Book 5: Reunion (2015) 26 copies, 1 review
Surviving The Evacuation, Book 8: Anglesey (2016) 23 copies, 1 review
Surviving The Evacuation, Book 7: Home (2015) 23 copies, 1 review
Surviving The Evacuation, Book 9: Ireland (2017) 19 copies, 1 review
Here We Stand 2: Divided (2016) 17 copies, 1 review
Work. Rest. Repeat. (2014) 17 copies
Here We Stand 1: Infected (2016) 14 copies, 1 review
Surviving the Evacuation: No More News (2020) 13 copies, 1 review
Counterfeit Conspiracy (2016) 5 copies
Endangered Nation (2017) 3 copies


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Tayell, Frank



Reunion continues the story of the last book, showing Nilda and Chester on their way to London and what Jay and Tuck have been doing since they were separated from Nilda. There are also a few flashback chapters featuring Chester right after the outbreak.

I really like Chester, Tuck, and Jay, but Nilda is still annoying. She is very dedicated to finding her son, but she treats everyone else as disposable, even the people who are risking their lives to help her.
Hopefully she improves in the next book.… (more)
zeronetwo | May 14, 2024 |
Books 1 - 3 of this series focus on Bill and his story. Books 4 - 7 focus on Nilda, Jay, Chester, and Tuck. This book is book 7, and it wrapped up their story well, while still leaving some things open for the future.

Probably my favorite part of this series is the characters. I truly want good things for them and I want to see how they survive. I also love the fresh take on the zombie apocalypse. It's still very recognizable as that genre, but the circumstances that the characters find themselves in and the ways that they handle everything keep it unique and interesting.

I'm excited to see what's been happening to the other characters that haven't been in the last few books, but the blurb for book 8 suggests reading the two books in the Here We Stand series (which covers events in North America right after the outbreak) before continuing with this series, so I'll read those first.
… (more)
zeronetwo | May 14, 2024 |
This is the sixth book in the series, and I'm really impressed with how good the series still is. Chester (the criminal turned good guy), Tuck (the deaf and mute former-soldier), and Jay (Nilda's teenage son) are as likable as ever, plus there are some more characters that are given more depth and more of a story. Nilda has been pretty frustrating in the past two books, but I think she is improving, too.

I'm off to read the next book, then it will be the Here We Stand spinoff series, and then it will follow Bill's story again.… (more)
zeronetwo | May 14, 2024 |
I liked the beginning of this book better than the end, but it's still a good addition to the series. It ends in a cliffhanger about the fate of a few characters and I'm excited to find out what happened to them.

In the same vein as book 11, "Britain's End" has chapters from quite a few characters' perspectives (Nilda, Chester, Bill, Sholto, and Kim).
zeronetwo | May 14, 2024 |

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