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Stith Thompson (1885–1976)

Author of Tales of the North American Indians

33+ Works 550 Members 6 Reviews

About the Author

The son of a farmer, Stith Thompson was born near Bloomfield, Kentucky. In 1918 he married Louise Faust and they had two children, Dorothy and Marguerite. After receiving his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1914, Thompson began his teaching career at the University of Texas at Austin, later show more teaching at Colorado College and then at the University of Maine. Finally, he went to Indiana University, where he established his prominence as a folklorist. Thompson was instrumental in establishing folklore studies in the United States, legitimizing it as an academic discipline and placing it on a firm empirical foundation. In 1950 he organized an important international conference at Indiana University, bringing together world-renowned specialists to discuss aspects of the field in order to develop a historical perspective on folklore research. He also created a center for the study and research of folklore and for the training of folklore scholars at Indiana University. The University became the first in the United States to offer a doctoral program in folklore. Using the historic-geographic methods developed earlier by Julius and Kaarle Krohn, Thompson translated Aarne's Type-Index and produced the Motif-Index of Folk-Literature, revising both in subsequent years. They remain the central indexes for the historical approach to folk tale study. Thompson gained international recognition for his writings, which were praised for both their scholarship and their style. It has been written of his work that "[it] is not dry, attenuated, dull, pedantic . . . for Mr. Thompson has . . . unspoiled direct appreciation of the zest and flavor of the best in traditional literature" ( N.Y. Times Book Review). (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Stith Thompson [source: Indiana University]

Works by Stith Thompson

Tales of the North American Indians (1929) 158 copies, 2 reviews
The Folktale (1946) 155 copies, 1 review
Round the Levee (1916) 4 copies

Associated Works

The Classic Fairy Tales [Norton Critical Edition] (1998) — Contributor — 1,067 copies, 5 reviews
Literary history of the United States (1963) — Contributor — 191 copies
Myth: A Symposium (1955) — Contributor — 100 copies


Common Knowledge



A collection of European folk tales, nearly all collected from storytellers. The stories are numbered and the sources at the end give the information of each tale by the number.
Leslie_L.J. | 1 other review | Mar 2, 2018 |
SHCG | 1 other review | Sep 29, 2015 |
This is a book to shock folktale specialists.

That's not because there is anything wrong with it. But Stith Thompson earned his reputation -- which is great -- as a result of organizing and classifying folktales; his six volume Motif-Index of Folk-Literature is the standard organizational reference for folktales. Many modern folklore studies are keyed to Thompson numbers. Even some studies that don't use Thompson numbers make excuses for their failure. Thompson influence is everywhere.

Except, ironically, here. The hundred tales here have no scholarly apparatus, no organization, no list of sources, no classification. If you buy it thinking this is a Work By Stith Thompson, you're going to be disappointed.

On the other hand, no one knew the folktales of the world better than Thompson, so no one was better equipped to pick out the best. There are familiar tales here -- and some you probably haven't seen. If all you want is a collection of great old stories, competently translated into English, this is a great place to start.

Just don't start looking for the notes at the back.
… (more)
1 vote
waltzmn | 1 other review | Oct 24, 2013 |

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