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Kateřina Tučková

Author of El legado de las diosas

7+ Works 272 Members 6 Reviews

About the Author

Works by Kateřina Tučková

El legado de las diosas (2012) 128 copies, 2 reviews
Gerta (2009) — Author — 118 copies, 3 reviews
Vyhnání Gerty Schnirch (2009) 14 copies, 1 review
Bílá Voda (2022) 5 copies
Boginie z Žítkovej (2014) 4 copies

Associated Works

Prague Noir (2018) — Contributor — 35 copies, 13 reviews


Common Knowledge

Czech Republic
Brno, Czechoslovakia



I found this hard-going. It’s a book of fragments and often it was difficult to connect them together. Although fiction, it is based on real people and situations, and the fictionalised documents backgrounding the events have a turgid authenticity that doesn’t make for enjoyable reading.

A word of praise for the translator. I love it when a translation is so good to you think you’re reading an original.
PhilipJHunt | 1 other review | Apr 18, 2022 |
This novel, translated from the Czech language, describes the life of Germans in the Czech region of Europe before, during, and after World War II. It does not paint a pretty picture. Some Germans supported the rise of Adolf Hitler and paid a moral price for the rest of their lives. Others – especially women and children – were not directly involved in the political and war efforts, but were still forced on a death march. For the rest of their lives, regardless of their personal outlook on the war and on German culture, they formed an oppressed people under Soviet social domination. Tučková does history a service in putting their plight into print.

The protagonist Gerta consistently opposed the Nazi rise. Her mother was Czech, but her father was German. Her brother went off to fight in the war. She liked neither her father nor her brother. Her best friend, a Czech, died as a result of hostilities, and the best friend’s family blamed the German people broadly and Gerta specifically for her death. After being forcefully relocated through a death march, Gerta was alone for most of her life, with few friends and no husband. Although reconciliation between Czechs and Germans occurred, it was so late in Gerta’s life that it really did not affect her much. Tučková thus paints her as a tragic figure whose life could be considered as almost wasted.

Life around and after World War II in Eastern Europe is not well-known among the English-speaking world due to the Cold War. Therefore, this work provides food for insight to historians and to the reading public. The picture it paints is very sad and difficult. Much as the Nazis fomented ethnic hatred in their rise, so was ethnic hatred spread against innocent persons afterward. The situation under communism depicts widespread oppression and devaluing of basic human rights. Governments did little to promote universal peace and harmony.

Although the translation is smooth and the writing is generally moving, this work can get bogged down in mundane and unimportant details at times. Gerta’s life was not one of excitement and engagement, and that’s precisely the point of this work. Still, my intrigue often languished, particularly in the third and fourth parts (of five). Overall, though, this book tells a tale that deserves to be heard again and again so that future generations do not repeat the mistake of superficial hatred.
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1 vote
scottjpearson | 2 other reviews | Jan 30, 2021 |
Tragic, bleak and powerful, Gerta reminds us of the pointlessness of revenge. When victims become victors, invariably losers become victims, and the victors segue into the worst behaviours of their former oppressors.

This story spans decades. It’s told in brief episodes, each almost a standalone short story. This variety helps the reader to manage the unrelenting misery and injustice of a life “completely unfulfilled and futile.”
1 vote
PhilipJHunt | 2 other reviews | Jan 21, 2021 |
Spíše 3,5 hvězdičky. Já jsem zklamaná, všichni to tak chválili.... A mně to přišlo...no vzpomínala sem na Urbanovu Tečku za rukopisy a jak to vypadá, když autor litfaku píše nonlitfak :D
Kombinace historických složek, odborných pojednání, posudků apod. s příběhem. Ten mi přišel takový docela plytký, myslím ten Dořin no a vlastně i literárnost příběhu o Bohyních - to drámo je popsáno nějakým (historickým) referátem. Ano, z těch suchých úřednických vět, z nichž bije ta divokost osudu, jde možná chlad větší, než kdyby to bylo rozepsáno literárně, jako dramatický příběh. Ale mně to spíš přišlo, že když neumím pointovat napětí, pomůžu si t��m, že tu historku popíšu odlidštěnou citací úředního spisku.
Jako výsledek je stórka zajímavá, ale na nadšení ostatních mi přijde, že to bylo takové jakoby nedopracované.
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mountbatten | 1 other review | Oct 26, 2017 |


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