Author picture

Adrienne Wilder

Author of In The Absence of Light

49 Works 749 Members 82 Reviews 1 Favorited


Works by Adrienne Wilder

In The Absence of Light (2015) 77 copies, 12 reviews
The First Three Rules (2014) 52 copies, 6 reviews
Seven (2014) 48 copies, 4 reviews
Complementary Colors (2014) 47 copies, 6 reviews
NoX (Wolves Incarnate #1) (2019) 45 copies, 4 reviews
Wild (2017) 41 copies, 3 reviews
Blood Bonds (2012) 34 copies, 2 reviews
To Adam with Love (2011) 32 copies, 2 reviews
He Speaks Dead (2012) 28 copies, 5 reviews
The Chimera (2016) 27 copies, 3 reviews
The Final Rule (2014) 24 copies, 2 reviews
Rule Four and Five (2014) 24 copies, 3 reviews
Pain (2011) 21 copies, 3 reviews
EPIC (2017) 19 copies, 1 review
By The Light of Dawn (2020) 18 copies, 1 review
Worth (2011) 18 copies
63 Days Later: A Holiday Tail (Wild #1.5) (2017) 15 copies, 2 reviews
Lost (2011) 14 copies, 4 reviews
Promises (2011) 13 copies, 4 reviews
Thirteen: Part One (2016) 11 copies, 1 review
Nephilim Prophecy (2012) 11 copies
Stained (2011) 10 copies
Found (Darwin's Theory #5) (2011) 10 copies, 2 reviews
Secrets (2011) 10 copies, 3 reviews
Chained (2016) 9 copies
Betrayed (2016) 9 copies
Opening Moves 9 copies, 2 reviews
Thirteen: Part Two (2017) 7 copies, 1 review
Skin Deep (2012) 7 copies
Reborn (2016) 6 copies, 1 review
The Claiming 4 copies
Crocuta Crocuta (2017) 4 copies, 1 review
JACK (2012) 3 copies
Marked (2012) 3 copies
Of Flesh and Blood (2012) 3 copies
Sicarii Part 3 2 copies, 1 review
Sicarii Part 2 2 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge

Places of residence
Dahlonega, Georgia, USA



LOVE. LOVE. LOVE this story. The book is in desperate need of editing for grammatical issues, but the story is AMAZING.
my6boyzmom | 11 other reviews | Jul 20, 2024 |
Peter is going through the changing process and takes a bite out of his beloved Darwin. Scared and volatile, Peter calls Whitcomb who kidnaps Peter. Darwin finds Peter missing and goes nuts tracking him down. Once the guys are safely hidden in The Zone, Peter reveals his most shocking secret.
Connorz | 3 other reviews | Jan 4, 2023 |
This book takes on a more serious tone as Peter tries desperately to hold onto his humanity. Even the smart mouthed Darwin is caught at a loss for words more than once. The depths of the love Darwin and Peter share is incredible and the two mirror each other in their devotion. My heart broke for Darwin in the surprising ending of this installment.
Connorz | 3 other reviews | Jan 4, 2023 |
Ms Wilder always manages to find just the right balance between a creepy world and unique characters. This time she pulled me into a psychological thriller with a mad man cloning his brother to build a race of mental giants each with specific gifts. A flashback to Hitler perhaps? Other readers have summarized the story so well that I will not bore everyone with another summary. Dr. Stone was the ultimate psychotic genius who had the temerity to play with the human genome and create individual humans that either served his purposes or were summarily destroyed. I liked that none of the Others or Stone's creations had names, they were only numbered. Naturally, Seven was one or the heroes along with Chase. I loved the arrogant and domineering Nine who had his mind in every piece of the pie. This story had a lot of depth and great secondary characters that added to the story. The romance between Seven and Chase was secondary to the plight of the Others which was a nice change. Ms Wilder pulled a HEA out of the mess that was Sub Floor with a finesse that has marked her other books. Highly recommended.… (more)
Connorz | 3 other reviews | Jan 4, 2023 |


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