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Aaron J. Wright

Author of Daisy Has Autism

1 Work 11 Members 3 Reviews

Works by Aaron J. Wright

Daisy Has Autism (2019) 11 copies, 3 reviews


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Very few times in our lifetime does something touch us so profoundly that we feel the need to sing its praises from the rooftops. Often, these praises go ignored. I’m going to tell you why my praises today should not be ignored. In the course of a few hours, I laughed, cried, yelled, wanted to throw something, wanted to slap someone, and threw up my hands in frustration, all the while mesmerized by a beautifully written and heart felt story. It reads like fiction, but sadly it is not. And it’s a story that has the potential to impact every parent, every grandparent, every teacher, every school board member and administrator, and every child with autism.

I have worked with autistic kids and adults as a substitute teacher in k-12 as well as a college English teacher. I know what it’s like not to be fully prepared to work with a student on the autism spectrum. There are many reasons that our educational system needs to change, and providing effective educational services to autistic students is just one of them. This book needs to be in the hands of every educator and every parent, every school board trustee and every behavioral analyst. It’s that important.
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LoriFox | 2 other reviews | Oct 24, 2020 |
The Wife of this author is in a "book group" that I am in on Facebook. She told us about her husband's book and asked us to read it. As the mom of a child who was diagnosed with Autistic tendencies and also being Significantly Developmentally Delayed, I HAD to read this book.

I loved the style this book was written in. It read like a story and I think added to this book. I found myself going thru many emotions while reading this book. Many tears, laughter and so much anger!! Don't get me wrong, I loved this book, but my empathy was so strong I found myself shouting along with the author... I found myself saying But... But.. You have to help them, you HAVE to be kidding me.. YOU ALL ARE CRAZY!! I actually had to put my kindle down at times, I would get so mad that I was afraid I would throw it!!

All educators, especially those who work with special needs children should read this book. ALL Administrators should be REQUIRED to read this book, all school board members should be REQUIRED to read this book. Do you see where I am going with this?? In this country there is NO EXCUSE for parents and kids to be treated as Magda and her family were.

In short... READ THIS BOOK!!!!!
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foxandbooks | 2 other reviews | Aug 19, 2020 |

Tears were shed. At work.
I felt like I was stepping right into the lives of the characters, this story was told so well, the writing was fluent and descriptive, the characters so real and believable. I truly think everyone needs to give this story a read. There was a particular part that made me cry but overall this wasn’t a heartbreaking story- but it is realistic and true; and sometimes that’s hard- “hard as a bowl of rocks” (- Magda)

The Russels move to small town Davis, California- for the arrival of their firstborn Charlie. For a couple of years they live the dream family life, adding to the family a black Lab called Daisy. But Daisy isn’t like other dogs, and so begins Arthur and Annie’s story- for soon they introduce a beautiful daughter Magda- and they find themselves navigating the complexities of autism with both Magda & Daisy.
When it comes time to enrol Magda into school, they find themselves up against a district of people who are determined to evade their responsibilities - a battle that’s shouldn’t exist but is a very real experience for families all over America.

Ok so I’m going to start a mini series of videos for books I need to talk about and will be starting with this one this weekend- so stay tuned.
I thought this story would be a family taking on a system and winning. LOL - welcome to real life. Yet I wasn’t left feeling gutted or angry, I was left feeling completely in love with this family, thinking about how true and often we find that the systems built to help are just a maze of redirections to do anything but help. This does anger me but I’m from a background of working these industries where people are failed everyday. We can only fix these things by being a community and actively supporting one another.
The end of this book contains information for contacting representatives and adding your voice to help support those who are being failed daily- this book is a must read.

A big thanks to @authoraaron for the review copy #partner

Full review at
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readwithwine | 2 other reviews | Feb 3, 2020 |


½ 4.4