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Sep 28, 2005
Real Name
Alixtii O'Krul V, T.R.L.
About My Library
Every book I own, including ones from childhood and my textbooks from school; including the books under my bed, in my closet, packed away in boxes in my basement, and, of course, on my bookshelves.
About Me
Episkopos Reverend Alixtii O'Krull V, TRL was ordained by the Universal Life Church in 2001 and founded the Church of St. Jesu the Heretic, Discordian shortly thereafter. The reverend is an avid fan of science fiction programs and books, a writer of fanfiction and fannish meta on his LiveJournal, and a grad student at a non-disclosed instution of higher learning, studying various theory-ish things. Interests include philosophy, theology, and literary theory.
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("pstmdrncrss"), ("Alixtii"), FanFictionNet, LiveJournal, Wikipedia, YouTube
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