About My Library
Books cataloged here are those that I have read and that come to mind when I visit this website. There is no rhyme or reason to the reading or the cataloging. I enjoy cozy mysteries as my literary jelly beans...not the gooey supermarket kind, but the gourmet ones. Parenting and science books pop up, some that influenced or helped me in some way. Biographies and memoirs reflect my nosiness. Juvenile and YA books are ones that I find unique, excellent, or in some other way, noteworthy.
About Me
Like most here, I began reading early and never stopped. Literally never stopped; I read while birthing a baby, nursing a baby, cooking, cleaning, conducting science experiments, and even while driving (when young and reckless, apologies). I read in the bath, and under trees, in bed,and through my children's various and sundry lessons. I do put down my books to garden, play the piano, play tennis and do other things with my husband and children. However, my idea of heaven is when one of my children curl into to bed beside me with a book. I was previously a child therapist and now work in two libraries and absolutely love it.
Glastonbury, CT

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