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charity (178), acts of lovingkindness - gemilut hasadim (170), AR book - UG (169), Holocaust - survivors (166), Purim (163), Talmud (162), Sukkot (156), history (155), personal narratives - diaries - memoirs (154), Judaism through Children's Books (153), community - kehillah (149), baby to age 2 (145), aiding those in distress (144), Hebrew (144), school (141), holidays (135), CHAI Lit List Level 3 (134), URJ Library List (131), rabbis (130), songs (128), anti-Semitism (127), Sydney Taylor Honor Book (123), Yom Kippur (122), prayer - tefillah (120), short stories (118), wisdom - study - learning (115), Sydney Taylor Notable Book (114), happiness - contentment - joy - simcha (113), choosing between right and wrong (112), Bible - criticism and commentary (112), gratitude - HaKarat HaTov (111), Israel - history (109), Betty's 100 Books (108), perseverance (107), honoring elders (104), mensch - decent person (104), honoring parents (102), Holocaust - concentration camps (100), generosity (98), CHAI Lit List Level 2 (98), Koach Ha Dibbur - the power of words (98), respecting differences (97), Judaism (96), teshuvah - repentance (95), Holocaust - resistance and rescue (95), Genesis (94), Indiana (94), tikkun olam - repairing the world (93), Jerusalem (93), humor (92), blessings (91), feeding the hungry - Ha'akhalat Re'evim (90), work ethic (90), loving one's neighbor (89), Holocaust - Poland (88), Germany (85), poetry (85), Eastern Europe (84), l'dor v'dor - passing on traditions (84), High Holidays - High Holy Days (84), art (82), sisters (81), honesty - emet (81), trees (81), Midrash (80), cooperation (79), France (79), National Jewish Book Award finalist (79), Noah (Biblical figure) (78), caring for the environment (77), AR book - MG+ (76), Tot Shabbat list (75), Tu b'Shevat (75), mystery (75), prayer book - siddur (74), cheerfulness (73), forgiveness - selichot (73), taking initiative (73), Shavuot (73), ALA Best Books for Young Adults (72), Palestine (72), derekh eretz - doing the right thing (70), life cycle events (69), Holocaust - refugees (69), teens - teenagers (68), reverence and awe - yirah (67), prejudice (67), URJ High School and Young Adult list (67), United States (66), rachamim - compassion and mercy (65), Poland (65), sports (65), diversity and inclusion (65), Torah (65), Israeli writer (65), ethics (65), United States - history (64), Netherlands (64), brothers (63), fathers (63), God (63), Yiddish language (62), cookbook (60), Reform Judaism (60), Moses (prophet) (59), Zionism (59), Holocaust - Righteous Gentiles (59), Haggadah (59), URJ Middle School list (59), faith in God (58), shtetl (58), Arab-Israeli conflict (58), social activism (58), multi-cultural (57), CHAI Lit List Level 4 (57), spirituality (55), graphic novel (55), keeping kosher - kashrut (53), summer camp (52), games (51), supernatural (51), Kabbalah (51), Yiddish literature (51), Christianity (51), mothers (50), Russia (50), Orthodox Judaism (50), baseball (50), synagogues (50), fantasy (49), ALA Notable Children's Book (49), Middle East (49), artists (49), death (48), Elijah (Prophet) (48), Exodus (48), family history - genealogy (48), Simchat Torah (47), Arab-Jewish relations (47), visiting the sick - bikur cholim (46), Anne Frank (45), URJ Significant Jewish Books (45), Abraham (patriarch) (45), Solomon (King of Israel) (43), Holocaust - hidden children (42), Hasidim - Hasidism (42), cats (42), African-Americans (42), peace - shalom (42), Esther (Biblical Figure) (42), Jews - identity (41), Creation (41), CHAI Lit List Level 7 (40), interfaith relations (40), ecology (40), sheet music (40), loving God (40), Soviet Union (40), love for Torah - Ahavat Torah (39), United States - West (38), humility (38), Hungary (38), graphic novel format (38), Horn Book Fanfare Best Book (38), Ukraine (38), AJL Notable Book (38), Czech Republic - Czechoslovakia (37), England (37), Spain (37), humiliation (37), magic (36), arts and crafts (36), athletes (36), Chelm (35), African American - Jewish relations (34), Sephardim (34), David (King of Israel) (33), children (33), photography (33), CHAI Lit List Level 5 (33), feminism (33), Ten Commandments (32), Brooklyn (32), puzzles and quizzes (32), weddings (32), Jonah (prophet) (32), Israel - immigration and emigration (32), Joseph (son of Jacob) (32), anthology (31), Sesame Street (31), Holocaust - Warsaw Ghetto (31), grief and mourning (31), Holocaust - Germany (31), orphans (31), numbers and counting (31), mysticism (31), Golem (30), riddles (30), Torah portions - Noach (30), spirit - ruach (30), history - ancient (29), avoiding temptation (29), parenting (29), Bar Mitzvah (29), Being a Good Listener (29), board book (28), ghettos (28), rhymes (27), farms and farming (27), optimism (27), Nili's list (27), Hebrew alphabet (27), Ruth (Biblical figure) (27), Fort Wayne (27), Christmas (27), Israel - ancient (27), Bar/Bat Mitzvah resource (26), science (26), parents (26), seeking justice (26), bears (26), prophets (25), Bat Mitzvah (25), Lag b'Omer (25), archaeology (25), Egypt (25), Yiddish culture (24), Inquisition (24), violin (24), kibbutz - kibbutzim (24), movies (24), Yom Ha'atzma'ut (24), bringing peace between people (24), gossip or bad speech (24), Adam and Eve (24), challah (24), Italy (24), tolerance (23), Jewish-Christian relations (23), United States - Midwest (23), klezmer (23), Maccabees (23), watching one's speech (23), cooking (23), angels (23), bullies and bullying (23), moving (23), encyclopedia (23), Israel - government and politics (22), travel (22), Canada (22), Islam (22), history - 20th century (22), Prague (22), Havdalah (21), women in the Bible (21), dogs (21), calendar (21), written in verse (21)
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Jan 29, 2012
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