
Your library (4,239)
GALE'S (2,715), GWOB (849), paperback (588), wolves (446), IRV (443), fantasy (291), children's (235), psychology (197), field guides (153), PENNA (130), fossils (125), animals (111), paleontology (104), history (102), fiction (100), nonfiction (99), tv (98), ghosts (93), werewolves (90), dinosaurs (85), plants (84), nature (81), mystery (79), novel (75), humor (74), geology (72), travel (68), art (68), religion (65), signed (64), dogs (64), fish (64), crime (60), gardening (60), EDUCATION BUILDING (54), shelf 44 (53), birds (52), reptiles (52), pet care (52), insects (50), bats (46), GALE's (44), shelf 18 (41), Indiana (40), pets (38), archaeology (37), Pennsylvania (36), graphic novel (35), animal behavior (34), Native Americans (34), museums (33), shelf 01 (31), shelf 17 (29), shelf 09 (29), aquarium (29), shelf 02 (29), amphibians (29), mammals (28), cats (28), mummies (28), evolution (27), shelf 03 (27), behavior (26), shelf 38 (26), shelf 37 (26), shelf 05 (25), wildlife (25), flowers (25), California (25), medical (25), biography (24), shelf 41 (24), animal care (24), zoos (24), encyclopedia (24), caves (24), shelf 19 (24), shelf 43 (24), shelf 20 (23), shelf 32 (23), shelf 35 (23), shelf 40 (23), rodents (22), folklore (22), photography (22), shelf 42 (22), Doctor Who (21), invertebrates (21), snakes (21), shelf 39 (21), shelf 06 (21), coyotes (20), Tennessee (20), shelf 23 (20), shelf 04 (19), foxes (19), forensics (19), butterflies (19), primates (18), communication (18), adventure (18), bears (18), science (18), horses (18), comics (18), shelf 15 (17), Ohio (17), cookbook (17), ecology (17), Africa (17), shelf 34 (17), shelf 07 (17), women (17), trees (17), home improvement (16), adult (16), shelf 11 (16), German (16), shelf 27 (16), appalachia (15), Kentucky (15), shelf 22 (15), anatomy (15), shelf 10 (15), Yellowstone (14), UK (14), shelf 28 (14), classics (14), extinction (14), unexplained (14), shelf 16 (14), endangered species (14), Europe (14), vampires (13), activities (13), romance (13), shelf 14 (13), ocean (13), Colorado (13), ethology (12), Pennsylvania Dutch (12), shelf 36 (12), arctic (12), herps (12), hardcover (12), deer (12), music (12), shelf 08 (12), bison (12), feminism (12), spiders (12), Alaska (12), shelf 24 (11), shelf 13 (11), frogs (11), anthropology (11), shelf 12 (11), statistics (11), disasters (11), Isle Royale (10), textbooks (10), shelf 25 (10), environment (10), Canada (10), elephants (10), guide book (10), reference (10), shelf 26 (9), dolphins (9), Australia (9), sharks (9), Virginia (9), wildflowers (9), fairy tales (9), medicine (8), sexuality (8), Pleistocene (8), math (8), New York (8), swap (8), biology (8), bones (8), lions (7), mushrooms (7), beaver (7), Smokies (7), Japan (7), civil war (7), Cincinnati (7), Pompeii (7), moths (7), games (7), anthology (6), shelf 45 (6), seashells (6), wolfdogs (6), Illinois (6), education (6), mammoths (6), turtles (6), China (6), poetry (6), dictionary (6), whales (6), carnivores (6), disease (6), language (6), volcanoes (5), zoology (5), naturalists (5), horror (5), guide (5), Costa Rica (5), Egypt (5), wilderness (5), mental illness (5), philosophy (5), shelf 30 (5), architecture (5), America (5), animal rights (4), French (4), Germany (4), Russia (4), South America (4), health (4), archives (4), North America (4), Tibet (4), Missouri (4), deserts (4), North Carolina (4), movie animals (4), wolf hybrids (4), Wisconsin (4), inspirational (4), manga (4), prostitution (4), shelf 29 (4), mental health (4), required reading (4), ice age (4), M:W (4), New Guinea (4), pterosaurs (4), chickens (4), raptors (4), parks (4), shells (4), chimpanzees (4), Madagascar (4), plumbing (4), Michigan (4), feral children (4), Texas (4), Mexico (4), anime (4), toads (4), space (4), war (3), bog bodies (3), manatees (3), canids (3), goldfish (3), cicadas (3), otters (3), crocodiles (3), exhibits (3), beetles (3), cars (3), taphonomy (3), rats (3), slavery (3), laws (3), tarantulas (3), spirituality (3), Montana (3), ants (3), flood (3), mice (3), movie (3), New Zealand (3), peregrines (3), Juniata (3), Devonian (3), lizards (3), roses (3), Hawaii (3), food (3), Falls of the Ohio (3), Maryland (3), Nebraska (3), cooking (3), hunting (3), sirens (3), veterinary (3), mythology (3), Central America (3), cambrian (3), sports (3)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Jan 30, 2008
About My Library
This is a collection of collections,they are resources available to the staff, volunteers, interns, etc. of Wolf Park. The first tag for a book is the collection (location)the book belongs to. They each have different histories and there will be quite a bit of overlap between them. Some books will be available for borrowing, others will not (but can be used at the Park)you just have to ask.

Gale's: My personal collection. I'm a book addict and a geek which explains the numbers of books: All things lupine-fact-fiction-folklore, paleo, anything natural history along with a sizable helping of junk food (fantasy, mystery, etc). I also have to have books on subjects that I know nothing about and places I've been or like to go. All in all, very eclectic. **GALE'S collection will be unavailable for the foreseeable future**

IRV: Arose from donations to Wolf Park. Wolfie books old and new and random paperbacks left by former interns or volunteers. Hoping to use this to organize the collection and beg for books we don't have but probably should.

GWOB (Gladys Wright Observation Building): Dr Klinghammer's personal library. Shelf numbers start on the west wall and go clockwise, top to bottom. These may not leave the building but can be used otherwise.

Ed Bld (Education Building): Books available to casual visitors. Mostly children's books.

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