(Nameless venue)

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(Nameless venue)

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Edited: Jan 24, 2009, 8:51 am

If a venue is added without a name, LT makes it (Nameless venue). Searching on (Nameless venue) as a name in Local produced a list of nine venues, but seven of them were pure junk and I deleted them.

There are two (Nameless venue) venues left, one at a specific location in Spain, and another in Portugal. Lacking any knowledge of the language in either of those, I don't know how to follow up.

Perhaps some other LT Local helper can figure out how to obtain names for these two venues.

Jan 24, 2009, 8:52 pm

Can a restaurant be added as a venue, marked "other" but without any particular relationship to books?

I have a particular venue in mind, but I ask the general question first.

Jan 24, 2009, 9:34 pm

Not unless it has some connection to books, such as holding author readings or the like.

Jan 25, 2009, 8:56 am

There are plenty of venues with "restaurant" in the venue name, and so far I have not found any with author reading events or the like. Perhaps someone will start to deal with that situation.

I think I will stay with entering bookstores and libraries in Pennsylvania, and adding photos to libraries and bookstores. It did make sense to me to delete all the (Nameless venue) entries, except for the two with very specific locations.