
Cristian Bote

  • Easy, straight to the point events

    published 0.1.4 9 years ago
  • This package is no longer supported and has been deprecated. To avoid malicious use, npm is hanging on to the package name.

    published 2.0.0 8 years ago
  • Phaser state transition plugin

    published 2.5.1 7 years ago
  • Wraps react-redux up for Preact, without preact-compat

    published 2.1.0 5 years ago
  • Translations module for latest version of angular. It's built to support latest angular version, with a friendly to use api.

    published 0.3.1 7 years ago
  • Easy to use data store, without much hassle

    published 0.1.0 7 years ago
  • Make react or preact speak your language

    published 2.1.0 6 years ago
  • React hashtags parser with custom renderer and click action on each hashtag.

    published 2.1.2 6 years ago
  • Koa middleware that runs multiple middlewares at the same time - in parallel. Just like people are running tracks... in parallel.

    published 0.1.1 6 years ago
  • A less than 1KB css-in-js solution

    published 2.1.14 8 months ago
  • Gatsby plugin to add support for goober

    published 2.4.0 4 years ago
  • A Babel plugin for goober, rewriting styled.div syntax to styled('div') calls

    published 1.2.0 4 years ago
  • A babel macro for goober, rewriting styled.div to styled('div') calls

    published 1.0.0 5 years ago
  • A css autoprefixer for [🥜goober]( using [style-vendorizer](

    published 1.2.3 2 years ago
  • published 0.1.0 4 years ago
  • 🧰

    published 0.0.3 4 years ago
  • This repo contains a set of React components that we at Magic can use to build our apps. We use scss to author our styles and bootstrap. The goal of this project is to be able to integrate as seamless as possible in existing and new projects built with Re

    published 2.2.9 2 years ago